Deposition of Ann Colly
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:27 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 367r
Dame The Lady Ann Colly widow the late wife of Sir Henry Colly Knight of Castell Carbery Kn in the County of Kildare duly sworne and examined before vs desposeth that shee was robed and depriued by meanes of the present rebellion & since it began of her goods and Chattells as followeth, In oxen Cowes sheepe swine geldings one mare & coult swine to her Losse of 568 li. In Corne in the house and sowen in the ground 500 li. the burning of her howse in Carbery to her and her son & [ ] heyres losse, & which cost 2000 li. at least; a bond payable by Robertt Harpoll who is now in rebellion, which shee conseaueth to bee 500 li. or thereabouts In houshould goods rings Juells and wearing apparell: 1110 li. & is in duly danger to L oo se the yearly proffetts of her ioynture being 433 li. per annum vn t ill a peace be set Soe that the whole losse which this deponent sustayned by means of the present rebellion amounteth to the summe of ffower thousant six hundered seuenty eight pounds ster besids her yerly losse vntill a peace come And saith that the partyes that soe robed and despoyled her weare Lewes moore of Lewes moore of the County of Kildare Garott ffitts garold a Captayne of the rebells of the same County Edward Brimidgham of the Carige, luke Brimidgham of parsonstowne, one Brimagham of Ballindrimnye a freehoulder, charles Brimidgham of the grange Rowen a masse preist, and one Knouells a masse preist; And further sayth that when they violently entered her Castell they said, that they seised her goods and Chattells by Roger moors dyrections, who (as they said) gaue directions comaund to put me all that were there to the sowrd, and that shee had a great fauour to bee permitted, her selfe and Childeren to departe with there liues; and alsoe the said rebells bloodily murthered three of her seruants in her house as soone as they came in [ ] , which shee conseaueth they did because 3 of the rebells as shee herd were Killed, vpon theire attempting this her house, and saith that one plunkett a masse preist came to her with a messuage from preist Rowen, which was that vnlesse shee would shew and discouer where her plate was hid that her sonn & heier Dudly Cooly should at that instant tyme suffer, and herselfe be put to her oth; and if after any plate should bee found by them that they would put her to death wherupon shew was constrayned to shew where it was [ ] & it was by them taken away att that tyme
Ann: Colley:
Jurat 19o Januarij 1642
Edw Pigott Hen: Brereton
fol. 367v
Dame Ann Coolley Jur
19o Januarij 1642
Cert fact
IntwIngrosse this loss extr