Examination of Arthur Cheevers
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=819004r006] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 09:36 AM
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fol. 4r
The examinacion of Arthur Cheeuers of Ballinader gent aged about thirty six yeares taken vpon oath on the behalfe of the Comonwealth Concerning the said John Cheeuers of Maystowne esquire
<To the 1st Inter & 2d> The examinant deposeth & saith that the said John Cheeuers dwelte some parte of the first yeare of the rebellyon at Maystowne aforesaid in the county of Meath as hee the deponent credibly heard & afterwardes the said John & his family remooued & dwelt at or neere Eniscorthy in the County <l> of Wexford for the space of about one yeare the certaine time the deponent doth not remember & other times the said John dwelt at Ballihally in the said County of Wexford, where the deponent hath seen him the said John Cheeuers it being parte of the said Johns estate the deponents cause of knowledge is for that he was marryed <To the 3d> to the said John Cheeuers his sister
<To the Rest of the Interrogatoryes> the examinant cannot depose other then that the deponent hath seen & knowne the said John to bee & act as a member of one generall assembly houlden at Kilkenny as a in what yeare the deponent doth not remember <m> His cause of knowledge is for that the deponent was at the said Assembly & a member thereof & further cannot depose &c
Arthur cheuers
Sworne before vs the 06th of ffebruary 1653
Tho Hart
Am Andrews
fol. 4v