Examination of William Stafford
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fol. 6r
The examinacion of William Stafford of Taghmon gent taken vpon oath on the behalfe of the Comonwealth Concerning Patricke ffrench of Wexford Alderman deceased
<To the 1st Interr> The examinant deposeth & saith that the said Patricke liued in the towne of Wexford in the Irish quarters the first yeare & the whole time of the rebellyon & did not thence remooue into the english quarters <t> (As Sir Walsingham Cooke, & other english protestantants Coming to Wexford & thence departing into england did) but not without losse of his estate as the deponent conceiueth And saith that the deponent did see the said Patricke in the towne of Wexford at the storming thereof
<To the 2d inter> Hee cannot depose
<To the 3d interr> The examinant saith that he is Confident that the said Patr did contribute his proporcion of publicque Leuies according the agreement between towne and County for maintenance of the Irish forces <u> then in Armes: the deponents cause of confidence is <T> for that a debaite [ ] arising between some of the townesmen touching leuies the said french in the deponents audience told them that if they could not liue securely in their guarrissons except they paid their Leuyes to maintaine the Armie in the feild
<To the 4th Inter> Hee cannot depose
<To the 5th Inter> Hee deposeth that hee hath seen the said Patricke at seaverall meetings of the towne Inhabitants <w> in the first yeare of the warres & sithence in orde{r} to the carrying on the said warre
<To the 6th Interr> The deponent saith that he hath seen the said Patricke not onely present at the election of the Burgesses <x> out of Wexford to serue in the generall assemblie but hee was chossen & acted as a burges thereof himselfe his cause of knowledge is that he was present at [ ] 206
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did see the said Patricke act as a member of that assemblye at Kilkennie & was his chamber fellow parte of that time
<To the 7th inter> The deponent saith that he is very confident that the said Patricke [ ] did take the oath of associacion <y> there being None of his rancke & quality excepted from taking that oath as he beleiues.
<To the 8th Inter> Hee Cannot depose
<To the 9th inter> The deponent saith that the said Patricke was in ffebr & March 1642: Receauer generall generall of the County of Wexford, his cause of knowledge that the deponent hath seen the said Patricke issue & pay money to the forces of the County vpon warrant <z> & further saith that the said Patricke was either Collector or Checque of the customes of the porte of Wexford or Admirall or both in or about the yeares 1643: and 1644: his cause of Knowledge is for that the said Patr: Complained to this deponent that he the said Patricke was remooved from that his Imployment by Bishop french his kinsman & conferred on a stranger.
<To the 10th inter> The deponent saith that the said Patricke had a sonne by Name Nicholas was had a sonne who acted in <a> some Imployment in a man of warre for the Irish in or about the yeares 1647: the deponents cause of knowledge is for that he was in Company with the said Patr: when the said Patricke was blamed by some freinds for that he was soe hard to his sonne that he would expose him being his onely sonne to hazard his life at sea in men of warre, rather then to allow him meanes to Liue peaceably at home
<To the rest> Hee cannot depose, And further saith not
William Stafford
Sworne before vs 16o January 1653
William Woodwarde
John Walker