Examination of Nicholas Stafford
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fol. 10r
The examinacion of Nichas Stafford of Ballimakeharne esquire aged about 44 yeares, taken on the behalfe of the Comonwealth Concerning the said Marcus Cheeuers of Growtowne in the County of Weford esquire
<To the 1st interr> The deponent saith that to his knowledge the said Marcus the first yeare of the warre did liue at Growtowne <q> in the County of Wexford then in the Irish quarters & did not thence remooue into the english quarters with with the english and protestants Liuing neere him
<To the 2d interr> Hee cannot depose
<To the 3d interr> The deponent saith that the said Marcus (as he verily beleiues) did actually contribute in the first yeare of the warre <r> as others of the countrey did for the maintenance of the forces then raysed in the countrey
<To the 4th inter> The deponent saith that the said Marcus did act and abett in the warre as others of the countrey did in the first <s> yeare thereof, against the Lord Esmond & the forces vnder his Comand in Duncannon fforte
<To the 5th Interr> The deponent saith that the said Marcus (to his knowledge was at seauerall publicque meetings of the <t> gentry of the Countrey in the first yeare of the warre in order to the forwarding thereof, as some others did
<To the 6th interr> That the said marcus was a member of the County Councell, & some time president thereof to the deponents <u> personall knowledge) in the first yeare of the warre: & afterwardes the said Marcus (as the deponent credibly heard & confidently beleiues) was one of the generall assembly of Ireland, & in order thereto had his vote & Joyned in the electing of the Supreame councell
<To the 7th interr> he saith the he verily beleiues the said Marcus did <w> take the oath of associacion, the same being generally Injoyned all the countrey
<To the 8> Hee cannot depose
<{ } Cheeuers { }>
fol. 10v
<To the 9th inter> The deponent saith as in his answeare to the 6th interrogatory he hath formerly deposed, to which he refferreth <x> himselfe & further saith that the said Marcus was in or about the first yeare of the warre, one of the Judges of assizes for the County of Wexford & after that cheife Justice of the whole prouince of Leinster in the Irish Jurisdiction
<To the 10th inter> The deponent saith that the said Marcus had a brother by name Nicholas Cheeuers, who was in or about the first yeare of the warre, Mayor of Wexford <y> where the said Nicholas continued the whole time of the warre being in the said towne at the storming & taking thereof by the Lord generall Cromwells Army
<To the 11: 12 & 13 inter> Hee cannot depose and further saith not
Nic: Stafford
Sworne before vs the 6th of January 1653
Edward withey
R Hussey