Deposition of John Grocock
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:27 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 380r
<4 102> John Grocock of St Johns by Athy malster
aboute 25 9ber lost 4 00 cowes worth 12 li. in malt 7 li. 10 s. in other goods 3 li., by Arthur Bembrick then Constable of Athy now in rebellion <B> who being in prison for this [ ] takeing some of this deponents goods was released by the sufferan <Intr> Georg walker, now a rebell likewise, and this deponent for speaking of the suffrans euil doing was comitted to prison by the suffran he lost by him onely his 4 forsaid Cowes
will. Cranny of Coole roah or the Quarry ner Athy a ritch farmer is in open rebellion, and so are diuerse others of these parts, for whose names he referreth himself to the booke of rebells made up by the deputy Marshall John watson
signum [mark]
Randall: Adams Jo Sterne