Examination of Thomas Codd
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 29r
Thomas Codd of Garrilough gent aged fiftie fiue yeares or thereabouts, deposeth Concerning the foresaid James Connor and Phelim his sonne
That the said James dwelt at Mondonell in the barrony of Ballaghkeen & County of Wexford, within foure miles to the deponents habitacion, the first yeare & the of the warre & till about the yeare of 1647: about which time he died, from whence he did not remoove himselfe into the english quarters, as one Mrs Manwairing & one Mrs Wadsworths widdowes that dwelt in that barrony did
And further saith That the said James did act and <r> abet the rebellyon against the english by being high Constable & head collector in the vpper quarter of the said Barrony of Ballaghkeene where the deponents dwelling was, which offices the said James did execute about the seacond or third yeare after the warre brake forth in which time the said James receiued contribucion from this deponent for the vse of & maintenance of the Irish Armie: And further saith that the deponent did see the said James at seauerall publicque meetings of the Irish held in the said barrony the first yeare of the rebellyon & since, in order to promote & carry on the same
And further saith That after the said James his decease Phelim Connor sonne & heire to the said James tooke vp Armes & became a priuate souldyer in the Company of one Captain Murchoe in Collonell Cavanaghes Regiment In which Capacity the said Phelim Continued till the Irish submitted & laid Downe Armes
The Deponents cause of knowledge is for that the said <s> Phelim was absent from his said habitacion and for that by the generall Relacion of the Nighbours thereabouts the deponent credibly heard & was Informed thereof & that the said Phelim is sithence gone to Spaine among the souldyers of the said Cavanaghs Regiment & further saith not
Tho: Codd
Sworne before vs the 6th
of March 1653
John Walker
Richard Neale
fol. 29v
James & Phelim Connor 2
James & Phelim Connor
of Muldonell