Deposition of Phillipp Darldane
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 11:53 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 30r
Phillipp Darldane late Coshrery in the parish of Temple vskie Baronye of Barrymore within the Countie of Corke widdowe by her examination vppon oath before vs lately taken deposeth and saieth that by meanes of this Rebbellion in Ireland shee lost was robbed and forceably dispoiled of her goods and Chattles to t by meanes of this Rebbellion in Ireland to the seuerall values followinge vizt worth 54 li. 12 s.
Of Cowes horsses heffers sheepe and hoggs to the value of thirtie three pounds and seauen shillings sterlinge Of Corne threst in the house to the value of one pounds and fiue shillings ster she likewise saieth that by meanes of this present Rebellion in Ireland shee sl lost of Corne sowed vppon the Lands of Coshrerye aforesaide to the value of twentie pounds sterlinge The totall of her losses amounts to fiftie fower pounds and twelue shillinsg ster shee further saieth that about the last of August lost her husband William Dardane the deponents husband was kild and cruellie murthered by Donnell oge o Curtaine of Temple vsky and John mc Shih Shihy of Muskerie nowe in acctuall rebbellion And further shee deposeth nott
Philip [mark] Durdanes
Jurat coram nobis
8o 9bris 1642
Phil: Bisse
Richard ffrench
fol. 30v
The examination
of Phillip Dardaine
Nu: 9