Examination of Marcus Power
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=819046v061] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:29 PM
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Marcus Power of Bannow yeoman duely sworne & examined Concerning the foresaid John Cullin & Richard Cullyn his father both deceased deposeth that the deponent well <f> knew the said John & Richard for that they dwelt in the same towne with the deponent And further saith that the deponent did see the said John in Actuall Armes in the Capacity of a priuate souldyer vnder the Comand of Captain John Roch acting & abetting to [ ] his vtmost the said Rebellyon & Joyning with the Irish forces that about the first May after the Rebellyon brake forth layd seige against Duncannon forte then kept by the english And further saith that the deponent did see the said John in the Capacity aforesaid at the fight of Ballibegg nere Rosse fighting against the english Armie there; & that the deponent did see Richard Cullin the said Johns father in Armes among the Irish at the fight of Ballibegg aforesaid, which was on or about the 17th of March 1642
Marcus [mark] Power his marke
sworne before vs the 8o ffebruary 1653
Tho Hart
Am Andrewes