Examination of Edward Synnott
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fol. 48r
The Examinacion of Edward Synnott of Dungulph gent aged about thirtie one yeares taken vpon oath on the behalfe of the Comonwealth Concerning Danyell mc Gerrald Cauanagh of Parkneshaugh in the barr of Ballaghkeen & Countie of Wexford gent vpon the Interrogatoryes Examinant on the behalfe of the Comonwealth
<To the 1st Inter> The Examinant deposeth and saith That the said Danyell dwelt in the barronie & Countie aforesaid in the Irish quarters the first yeare of the rebellyon & after till he died with out remoouing him selfe into the english quarters as Sir Walsingham Cooke knight Mr <h> Tristeen & other protestants in & neere the said barronie did The Deponents cause of knowledge is for that the Deponent did see the said Danyell at his owne howse whither the deponent did goe some times to visit him the said Danyell.
<To the 2d Inter> The Deponent cannot say anything
<To the 3d & 4th> The Deponent saith That he confidently beleiues that the said Danyell did contribute both moneys and prouisions to the Irish against the english the first yeare of the rebellyon and since as his neighbours did and the cause that induceth the deponent did to beleiue <i> the same is for that the deponent did see the said Danyell frequently riding with and accompanying the said Sir Morgan (at his riding about the countrey to settle the same vnder the Irish gouernment) to whom the said Danyell was of kinne & more especially the deponent did see the said Danyell to resorte to & hould correspondencie, with the said Sir Morgan at his the said Sir Morgans dwelling at Balleaghney parte of the said Sir Morgans estate & the deponent further saith that the said Danyell had much countenance releife and respect from the said Sir Morgan Cauanagh to whom this deponent was seruant at that time & did obserue the said Sir Morgans affecion towardes him the said sai Danyell he the said Sir Morgan being the cheife & most actiue man that this deponent did know
<Daniell mc Gerrald Cavanagh of { }>
fol. 48v
in the said Countie except the Lord of Moungarret in in the forwarding, promoting & aduancing of the said Rebellyon
<To the Rest of > the Interrogatoryes the deponent Cannot depose other then that the said Danyell had a brother by Name Edmond mc Gerrald Cauanagh whom this deponent did frequently see at the said Sir Morgan Cauanaghs howse and in his <k> Companie, seauerall times the first yeare of the said rebellyon, from whom the said Edmond receiued much countenance and respect being then and further saith not
Edw: Synnotte
Sworne before vs
the 30th of March 1654
Edward Withey
Richard Neale