Examination of Art oge O Bryan

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=819056r074] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:39 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1654-02-25
Identifier: 819056r074


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Wexford
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Multiple Killing, Confederacy
Commissioners: Edward Withey, R Hussey
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 56r

The examinacion of Art oge ô Bryan late of Killalogan in the barrony of Scarewailsh gent aged fortie fiue yeares or thereabouts taken vpon Oath on the behalfe of the Comonwealth Concerning Collough mc William of Cloroge in the said barrony in the County of Wexford gent deceased vpon the Interrogatory annexed to the Comission of enquiry
<To the 1st Interr> The examinant saith that the said Collough dwelt at Cloroge & elsewhere in the barrony and County aforesaid the first yeare & the whole time of the rebellyon & did not thence remooue himsel{f} <k> into the english quarters as one Mr Stannop an englishma{n} & nigh neighbour to the said Collough mc William did The deponents cause of knowledge is for that the deponents habitacion was nigh to the said Collough during the rebellyon.
<To the 2d interr> The examinant Cannot depose
<To the 3d interr> The examinant deposeth that he beleiues that the said Collough (being a man of great estate and of a Considerable substan{ce)} did contribute men moneys and prouisions to the <l> maintenance of the Irish forces raysed & aduanced again{st} the english And the cause of this deponents beleife is for that the deponent dwelt in the same parish where the said Collough hi{s} Residence was, & in that this deponent & his neighbours paid & contributed to the Irish in manner aforesaid.
<To the 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th & 9th inter> Hee Cannot depose
<To the 10th inter> The deponent saith that the said Collough had foure sonns namely Gerrald, Charles Dominicke & Owen which said Gerrald this deponent did see at seauerall publicque meetings of the Irish during the rebellyon but who is since dea{d} <m> and that the said Charles after the english accesse to this County vnder the Comand of his excellency the Lord generall Cromwell tooke vp Armes and sided with the Irish against the english & being apprehended by Collonell Axtell as a tory was executed at Rosse by the said Collonell at which execucion this deponent was then present And that the said Dominicke was killed by some of Captain Boltons troope neere Cloaghaman the [ ] before the same & was garrissoned

fol. 56v

by the english which said sea seauerall sons held corespondency with & had Releife from their father during his Life
<To the 11th Interr> The Deponent saith that Mr Stannop an englishman that dwelte on parte of the said Colloughs estate did in the beginning of the rebellyon for the preseruacion of his life desert his <n> habitacion there & fled into england & is not sithence Returned for ought knowne to this deponent
<To the 12th & 13> Hee Cannot depose and further saith not &c
Artoge ô Bryan his [mark] marke
Sworne before vs the
25th of ffebruary 1653
R: Hussey
Edward Withey

Deponent Fullname: Art oge
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Gentleman
Deponent County of Residence: Wexford
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Collough mc William, Gerrald mc William, Charles mc William, Owen mc William, Dominicke mc William, Mr Stannop, Lord generall Cromwell, Collonell Axtell, Captain Bolton
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Victim, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned