Examination of Robert Browne
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fol. 59v
The examinacion of Robert Browne of Knickgangle ffarmer Aged 30 yeares concerning the aforesaid John Wadding gent who being duely sworne & examined, Saith
That this said John Wading did Live in the Irish quarters all the tyme of the Rebellion & did not remove into the quarters of the English, & saith that the said Wadding was in Armes for the Irish against the English in the first yeare of the Rebellion the cause of this deponents knowledge is for that hee sawe the said Wadding bearing a sword & ffyerlock as a voluntiere with the Irish forces that laie before Duncannon ffort the within four dayes after Christmas 41 And also saith That the said Wadding did hold the priests booke to seuerall Irish that tooke the <x> oath of Association & kept a doore not suffering any of them to passe out till they were all sworne This examinants cause of knowledge is for that hee was present at Baldenstowne about the begining of March 41 when & where the said Wading did hold the said booke & keepe the doore, while the priest adminstred the said oath & did see & observe what hee hath declared
Robart Browne
Sworne before vs 30o January 1653
Tho Hart
Edward Withey