Examination of Richard Synnot
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fol. 67r
The examinacion of Richard Synnot of Ballibrennan gent aged about twenty eight yeares taken vpon oath on the behalfe of the Comonwealth Concerning Thomas Welsh of the Bush in the said County of Wexford gent deceased vpon the Interrogatoryes exhibited on the publicques behalfe
<To the 1st Interr> The Examinant Deposeth and saith that he well knew the said Thomas Welch being a neere Neighbour to the examinant & that the said Thomas to the deponents personall knowledge dwelte at Bush in the County aforesaid in the Irish quarters the first <b> yeare and the whole time of the Rebellyon & did not thence remooue into the english quarters As many a protestants living adjacent to the said Thomas did: It being the generall relacion that Mr Nichas Codd Mr Waller & other protestants did Departe hence into wales & elsewhere
<To the 2d interr> Hee cannot depose
<To the 3d interr> The deponent saith that he beleiues the said Thomas did beare & contribute his proporcion of the taxes reflecting or Laid on the countrey the first yeare of the rebellion & <c> since for payment of the Irish forces then in Arme{s} It being soe generall a thing that the deponent conceiueth noe person could avoyd the payment thereof
<To the 4th Interr> Hee deposeth and affirmeth that he hath seen the said Thomas in or since the first yeare of the warre in <d> Armes amongst others of the Irish in the Countrey in opposing the english: As Namely with a sword by his side
<To the 5th & 6th Inter> Hee cannot depose
<To the 7th Inter> The examinnat saith that the oath of associacion was a generall or vniuersall thing throughout the whole Countrey [ ] soe as the deponent conceiueth that the said Tho: <e> did take & could not avoyd the takeing thereof noe otherwise then the Examinant & other gentlemen of the Countrey did
<To the 8th & 9th Inter> Hee cannot depose
fol. 67v
<To the 10th Interr> Hee deposeth & saith that the said Thomas had a sonne by name Nicholas Welch who liued with his father <f> in the Irish quarters [ ] During his fathers life time & afterwardes possessed his fathers estate
<To the 11: 12 & 13 Interr> Hee cannot depose And further saith not
Rich Sinnott
Sworne before vs the
xith of January 1653
Edw Tomlins