Deposition of Charles Cosby
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 10:01 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 183r
Charles Cosby Late of Ballylevan in the kings Countie of yeoman sworne & examined deposeth that since the late rebellion begun in October Last he this examinet by reason of the said rebellion and by the rebells hath bine stripped deprived and robbed of the seuerall goods followinge vizt of Cowes, horses and sheepe worth at the least with the profett of his farme beinge leased to him for many yeares yet to come, the sume of five hundreth pownds and was profered soe much for the same And alsoe of arreares of rent out of the said farme and of debts due to him from seuerall persons whoe are either in open rebellion or otherwise robbed and stripped and thereby disinhabled to give this examinet any satisfaccion at all amountinge to the summe of a hundreth threescore & fowertine therti ne pownds xvj s. And in ready mony of twelue pownds and vpwards from Stradbally in the Queenes Countie And alsoe in horses Cowes and sheepe from the said Stradbally worth fiftie pownds and in howsehowld stuffe and apparell to the valewe of three pownds all which summes amount vnto Seaven hundreth thertie nine pownds sixtine shillings but the names whoe robbed him of his said goods he knoweth not sa v eing only of these that followe vizt Bryan Molloy sunne & heire to William Malloy of Ballyboy in the kings Countie gent, as this examinant is credibly enformed: Patrick & William McMurtogh of Rossemore in the said Countie Queenes Countie yeoman Terlogh McArte of the same yeoman James Dempsie of the same yeoman, Thomas ô Gowe of Oghmale in the Queenes Countie yeoman William Linsie of the Stradbally in the said Countie yeoman William McOwen of Oldtowne in the great wood in the said Countie yeoman Murtogh oge ô dempsie of Brittas in the kings Countie yeoman Cnogher ô Dillon of Stradbally aforesaid Laughlin ô Roe of the same yeoman Patrick ô Lalor of the same yeoman Neale ô Dergin of the same yeoman James ô Dermot of the same yeoman & Hugh Cranny of the same yeomanAnn the wife of the said Ch arles deposeth all the particule rs before mencioned
Ap 9th 1642
John Sterne
Randall Adams
fol. 183v
15 [ ] Kings com:
9o Aprilis 1642
Charles Cosbye