Deposiition of Robert Lloyd
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 186r
Robert Lloyd of Geashell in the Kinges County gent being sworne & examjned deposeth and saith that on or about the xxviijth xxixth xxxth of November, and alsoe on or about the xth xith & xijth of December Last past 1641 Hee this deponent was by the Rebells forceibly & rebelliously deprived robbed and dispoyled of his goods and Chattells (wherof he was then Lawfully possessed) of his goods chattles and meanes, of the values following vizt of beasts and Cattle worth 400 li. of sheepe worth CCxxxv li. of horses Mares geldings and Colts worth Cxxx li., Corne in the Haigard CC li., hay worth xxx li. Swyne and powltrie worth 5 li. Charcoale 5 li. Plowes harrowes waines and other necessaryes for husbandry worth x li.Corne in the ground worth Cl li., howsholdstuff worth x li., and of the possession and proffits of his farmes of knockballyboy and in the towne land of Geashell and Balledownan: Where of he he then hadd & an yet hath an estate for a long terme in beinge and whereon he bestowed 200 li. in building and incloseing & other improvements: which before the Rebellion was worth to him Lx li. per annum clerely: & this deponent is like to loose the future proffits thereof (of the yerely value aforesaid) vntill a peace be established: Soe as all his presente Losses come to the sume of one thowsand fowre hundreth thirtie fiue powndes ster (besides the future) And this deponent further saith That the parties that he knoweth to be in Rebellion by carrying armes with for and amongst the Rebells against his Maiesty & his loyall subiects and in doeing of & exercising of Rebellious forces cruelties <A> & outrages are theis that follow vizt. Conn Dempsie of Glanmaleroe in the Kinges County gent & brother Phelim Henry Dempsie Esquire brother to the lord of Glonmaleroe, Daniell ô Doine of Tynaghinch in the queens County gent and their companies And the said Lord Glanmaleroe himself whoe brought his greate peece of ordinance to the seige of the Castle of
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Geashell and beseiged the same: Where a great number of <men women & children> of women then vizt about the first of Aprill last 1642 pulled downe seuerall Reekes of Corne & carrying them over hedges the same was thrashed and the Corne <by the Rebells> beaten out in the feildes: And further saith that the other parties rebells that were at the seige of Geashell & in open action of Rebellion that this deponent can for the presente <B> Remember were theis that followe vizt Art ô Mulloy sonn to Charles Mulloy of Rathleene in the Kinges County Esquire the principall man of the sept, Adam Mulloy sonn to Neile ô Mulloy Anthony Kelly servant to the Lord Glanmaleroe and William Howell another of his Servants Brian McLyshagh Dempsie of Cnockardecurr Glanmaleroe Esquire (a parliament man) Brian McLyshaghe Dempsie of Glanmaleroe gent Esquire Capt ai n Teige Connor of Ballaghmony in the Kings County gentleman Captain Edward Connor sonn to Connor of Leixlipp in the County of Dublin Esquire And further saith that the Lady ô ffaly sending some messingers with Lettres to the Lord Glanmaleroe wh with answeres to some of his letters formerly sent vnto her, His Lordship stayd and kept with him as a prisoner one of those messingers vizt Charles Michaell Strangoe, And another messinger (sent by one of the Ladyes servants to Ballikewe was there hanged by the dempsyes & their adherents
Robert lloyd
Jurat 22 August 1642
John Sterne
Will: Aldrich
fol. 187r
fol. 187v
27 Kinges Countie o
Robert lloyd Jur 22o Augusti 1622
Cert fact
Intr 10 dec