Examination of William Stafford

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=819073r097] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 01:56 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1654-01-03
Identifier: 819073r097


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Wexford
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Robbery, Confederacy
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 73r

The examinacion of William Stafford gent taken vpon oath on the Comon wealths behalfe concerning William Browne of Mallrankin in the county of Wexford esquire
<To the 1st interro> The examinant saith and deposeth that the said William Browne liued at malrankin then in the Irish quarters the first of the warrs and sithince and did not remoue as diuers protestands nere <o> him did into the English quarters neither Could hee as the deponent Conceaueth without loss of his estate
<To the 2nd> Hee cannot Depose
<To the 3d> The deponent saith and is confident that the said William Browne did Actually contribute men & Armes to the vtmost of his powere for the Irish in <p> the first yeare and before the 10th of nouember 1642 was a member of the county militia being Collonell of a Rigement of foote raised by the Irish in oposition to the english forces
<To the 4th> The deponent saith and is confident that the said William Browne was an actor & abetter of the warr the said first yeare in defence of the Irish cause against the english being collonell of foote as aforesaid And further saith that he beleiueth that the said Browne was in that Capacity in Actuall Armes <q> with his Rigement of foote against Duncanon forte the said first yeare & so continued sometimes Collonell sometimes Lieutenant Collonell in the Irish seruice till he was taken a prisoner at Dungan hill fight about the yeare 1647 as this deponent credibly heard the said Browne was lett out of restraint on his paroll and came into the county of Wexford and from thence breaking his paroll made his escape into france

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<To the 5th interro> The deponent saith that he hath seene the said Browne at Seuerall publique meetings of the Irish the first yeare and beleiueth he was frequently <r> at other meetings of the said Irish in order to the Carrying on the warrs for the Irish against the English.
<To the 6th> The deponent deposeth that the said Browne did the first yeare act as a member of the County councell & beleiueth that the said Browne was <s> afterwards one of a generall assembly and had there his vote in electing men for the supreme councell and other publique offices both Ciuill and millitary for the Irish cause against the English.
<To the 7th> The deponent saith that the said Browne did take the oath of association being an emenent <t> man and could not act in the seuerall capacities except he had taken the same as he conceaueth
<To the 8th> Hee Cannot depose
<To the 9th> Hee deposeth in the 3d 4th & 6th touching the said Brownes places of trust, he hath already <u> declared to which the deponent referreth himselfe
<To the 10th> The deponent saith that the said William Browne had a brother namely Walter Browne which said Walter acted in some millitarye imployment <w> vnder his brothere in or about the yeare 1646 and was afterwards killed as the deponent credibly heard at the said fight of Dungans hill.
<To the 11th> The deponent saith that one Nicholas Row Clearke being a protestant did liue at Bridgtowne parte of the said Brownes estate within halfe a <x> Mile to the said Brownes dwelling from whence the said Nicholas in the first yeare of the warrs fled into wales and is now on his said estate at Bridgtowne.

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<To the 12th Inter> The deponent saith that after the said Nicholas Rowes departure into Wales the said William Browne without any order knowne to this deponent of his owne powere did seize into his poscession <y> the said Castle and farme of Bridgtowne then mortgaged to the said Nicholas Row and did thence expulse the said Nicholas Rowes wife then dwelling at the said Castle and farme
<To the 13th> The deponent saith and beleiueth that the said Browne did countenance releiue and harbour such of the Irish who had comitted robberies and outrages vpon the English & protestants <z> the said first yeare if the warr as did inlist themselves with him or his regiment
William Stafford
Sworne before vs the
3d daie of January 1653


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William Browne Malrankan fa{ }

William Browne of Malrankan

Deponent Fullname: William Stafford
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Gentleman
Deponent County of Residence: Wexford
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: William Browne, Nicholas Row
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Confederate, Victim