Examination of Margaret Hitchins
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=819077r100] accessed Wednesday 27th of September 2017 09:41 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 77r
The Examinacion of Margaret Hitchins of wexford widdow aged fiftie yeares or thereabouts taken vpon oath on the behalfe of the Comonwealth Concerning Owen Vadicke of in the barrony of Goary and County of wexford gent
<To the whole matter> of the Interrogatoryes the examinant deposeth and saith that she well knoweth the said Owen and for that he dwelt nigh to Sir walsingham Cooke the deponents master to whom the deponent was a seruant before the rebellyon: And further saith that about Nouember or december in the yeare 1641: the said Owen came with about fiftie men in Armes in his Companie to the Landes of Tomduffe, and from thence did take driue and carry away two hundred head of cattle of the proper goodes of the said Sir walsingham Cooke And the next daie after that he the said Owen did come in Companie of about fourscore persons <c> more in Armes to Tomduffe the dwelling howse of the said Sir walsingham Cooke and the same the said Owen with the rest of his Companions did enter and the same did plunder & spoyle of all the goodes and substance therein & the did carry away all the said goodes and Chattles In both which actions of driuing away the said cattle and robbing the said howse of Tomduffe the examinant did see the said Owen present & actiue and further saith not
Margaret Hitchins
her [mark] marke
Sworne before vs the
14th of March 1653
John Walker
Richard Neale
<Owen vadicke>