Examination of Nicholas Stafford
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fol. 78r
The Examinacion of Nicholas Stafford of Codstow{ne} gent aged sixtie nyne yeares or thereabouts taken vpon oath on the behalfe of the Comonwealth Concerning William Browne of Malrancan in the County of wexford esquire
<To the 1st Interr> The Examinant deposeth that the said William Browne the first year{e} of the rebellion and sithence did liue at Malrankan, in the county of wexford then & sometime since of <e> the Irish quarters, And did not remooue thence into the english quarters, As Nicholas Row & other protestants & english neere him the said william did
<To the 2d Interr> Hee cannot depose
<To the 3d Inter> The examinant saith that the said William Browne did in the first yeare of the warre and sithence actually contribute men, money, prouisions, & as he beleiueth Armes for maintenance of the Irish forces then formed & raysed against the english, And that the said Browne was one (if not the cheifest) of the County <f> Millitia, in the County of wexford, being a Collonell & hauing the Comand of a Regiment of foote that first yeare & diuers yeares after
<To the 4th Inter> The deponent saith that the said william Browne was a very ac Actiue man the first yeare of the Rebellyon in the abetting and forwarding the same to his vtmost against the english And saith that the said william in testmonie of his zeale to the Irish cause marched with his said Regiment of foote (the first yeare of the Rebellyon) against the forte of Duncannon then <g> defended by the Lord Esmond and a partie of English in opposicion to the Irish rebells And did with others his confederates sumon the same And did long after the said first yeare Continue in Actuall Armes for the Irish cause against the english
<To the 5th Interr> The Examinant deposeth that the aforesaid william Brown{e} <h> was at seauerall publicque meetings of the Irish in the said first yeare partely to the deponents knowledge & partely by generall relacion of the Countrey in order to the Aduancing & carrying on the said rebellyon
fol. 78v
<To the 6th Inter> The deponent saith that the said william was a member of the County Councell in the said County of wexford And as this deponent beleiueth, he was one of the Nationall assembly, And in order thereunto had a vote in <i> choosing the supreame councell, ffor that to the deponents knowledge there were few Actings for the Irish eyther Ciuill or millitary wherein the said william was not in some respect interested
<To the 7th Inter> The deponent saith And is very confident that the said <k> Browne did take the oath of associacion being a generall thing throughout the whole countrey
<To the 8th Inter> Hee cannot depose
<To the 9th Inter> The examinant can say noe more then what he hath deposed <l> in answeare to the 3d 4th & 6th interrogatoryes touching the said Brownes offices and places of trust
<To the 10th Inter> The examinant deposeth that the said william Browne had a brother by name Walter Browne which said <m> walter as the examinant credibly heard) Acted in some millitary Imployment for the Irish against the english
<To the 11th & 12th> That one Nicholas Row Clearke a protestant liuing at Bridgetowne parte of the said Brownes estate, then in Mortgage with the said Nicholas Row did the said first yeare fly into wales And is now sithence the Lord <n> generall Cromwells accesse to theese partes returned to his said Castle and farme at Bridgetowne, And As this deponent credibly heard & verily beleiueth after the said Nicholas Rowes departure into Wales as aforesaid, the said william Browne did of his owne power, enter into and possesse himselfe of the said castle and farme at Bridgetowne and did thence driue and banish the said Nicholas Rowes wife and children then dwelling therein
<To the 13 Inter> Hee cannot depose & further saith not &c
Nicholas Stafford
Sworne before vs the 5th of January 1653
Edward Withey
R: Hussey