Deposition of Martin Jagger

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:07 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-07-02
Identifier: 814201r127


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: King's Co
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Robbery, Stripping, Words
Commissioners: Henry Brereton, John Sterne, William Aldrich
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 201r

(Note: Lacunae in the original text have been made good from the copy at fols 64v-65v)
Martin Jagger of the parrish of Dorroughe in the {Kinges County Clothier} sworne and examjned deposeth and sayth that on or about the Last {day of November} 1641 he this deponent for was forceibly expelled from robbed or otherwi{se dispoyled} of his goodes & chattells of the values hereafter mencioned v{izt howshold stuff} provition and apparell worth xxxv li. xviij s. three paire of Loo{mes worth} viij li. xvj s. ffowre paire of Clothier sheares with necessaries ther {belonging} vnto his trade of Clothier worth xxiij li. x s. Cloth died and y{arne} worth xxij li. xviij s. In all amounting to Nynetie one powndes {ij s.} Besids cloth and yarne of other mens feloniously taken from him the {same time} worth ix li. x s. for which this deponent may be questioned after peace {be established} & soe it may be applyed to his owne particuler Losse: All which accompted together amounteth to one hundreth and twelve pownds And further saith that the parties that soe robbed & dispoiled him this deponent as aforesaid were one Trandell theldest sonn of John Trandell of Clunmore in the kinges County farmer: Dermott Dowgan of Capplecorr tennant to Sir Roberte fforte James Poyer of Bracklone in the same Countie weaverShurlocke of the same gentleman William Coro Cronikin of the same Taylor all tennants to Mr Tirrell the Lawyere Donnogh Gilgan the deponents next neighbour and generally all the rest of the said Mr Tirrells tennants being in number one hundreth and above But although he knows them all by sight yet he cannott now remember their names: and there were alsoe actors in the robbery and rebellion aforesaid divers of the Macka boyes & many others of the tennants of Richard Wolverston of Ballicomen {in the} same Countie gent one of the sonns of Mr Wolverston of Sti{llorgan} in the same County of Dublin Esquire And saith that the said Tirrell & Wolverston though they lived not farr of did not contradict their tennants nor at all reproveth nor restraine them for their doeings that ever this deponent could heare of: But although they as this deponent is verely perswaded they might have restrained them if they had pleased yet they suffered them to persist & goe on in their robberyes & cur Crueltie{s} against the Englishe: But for the goods of the irish which somty{mes} tooke away, the same were from tyme to tyme restored {vpon demand} And there were other rebells which alsoe were parties and actors {in robbing} him vizt Brenan yonger brother to Mr Brenan of the {Creeve in the} Countie of Westmeath gentleman with whoe came with about 100 mo{re rebells with} him whose names he knows not and tooke away the last of his go{ods} saying that this is for your religion: if you had beene of our Relig{ion} before, you should not have beene soe vsed but it is now too Late an{d that} wee are the queenes souldjers and will not suffer you to s{tay} vnles you will losse your Lives: Wherevpon this deponent and {his wife} & 3 children being all stript of their clothes with much diffi{culty escaped} <174> away: But before their comeing away this deponent made com{plaint of his} sufferinges & theis outrages to Sir George Harbert of Dorrowg{e in the kings} County knighte then high sherriff of the same Countie requireing {his helpe and} ass{istance that he mi}ght either sub{s}ist in quietnes there or {quietly depart away with his life where}vnto the said {Sir G}eo. Harbert answered That {he could not help}

fol. 201v

him neither did he give him any assistance at all nor endea{voured to represse} or repell the rebells Many of them being his tennants Nor {was} Sir George (as this deponent is verely perswaded) any way in{clyned to helpe} him this deponent or any other distressed protestant: He the said {Sir George} being as this deponent is perswaded a Recusant in heart & harboring {in his howse} a popish preist & somtyme 2 3 or 4 preists his Lady being {a perfect} & knowne recusant and the said George ryding vp & downe by this deponents howse with John Coghlan his son in lawe a knowne {rebell} And further sajth That Morrice Tirrell {late subsheriff} of the Kinges County Edmund or Edward Tirrell of the County of We{stmeath} nere Tirrells pace gent William Beaver of Robinstowne in the Count{ie} of Westmeath Carpenter were all in the same were all Actors in this present Rebellion: And theis three & at least fowrscore more whose names he knows not went in {about the} fowrth of December 1641 Marched in hostile and rebellio{us manner} some on horsback, some on foote, to or towards Newtowne in th{e Kings Countie} from Tirrells pace aforesaid on purpose as they said to take aw{ay Mr} Greens English Cowes & sheepe & goodes: & did the same ac{cordingly} as this deponent verely thincketh, the said Mr Tirrell saying {he would} raise or make vp those men he had, one hundred souldiers to robb the s{aid} Mr Greene & Lieutenant Peisley & Mr Parsons of the Berr {hath} beene credibly informed that the said Mr Tirrell is in rebellion
Martin Jagger
Jurat 2o Julij 1642
John Sterne
Hen: Brereton
Will: Aldrich
Hen: Brereton

22 Kinges Countie
Martin Jagger Jur
2o [ ] Junij 1642 Julij 1642
hand w
Vlt no



Deponent Fullname: Martin Jagger
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Clothier
Deponent County of Residence: Kings County
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Trandell *, Dermott Dowgan, James Poyer, * Shurlocke, William Cronikin, Donnogh Gilgan, * Brenan, Mr Brenan, John Coghlan, Morrice Tirrell, Edmund Tirrell, Edward Tirrell, William Beaver, * Green, John Trandell, Roberte fforte, Mr Tirrell, Richard Wolverston, George Harbert, * Parsons, * Peisley
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Victim, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned