Deposition of James Dowdall
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:27 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 222r
<113> And further deposeth the said James Dowdall further deposeth Mr Ja : Dowdall can depose <I> That many of the gentlemen of Meath of met at Longwood, in the County of Meath neere the Boyne, and vizt Barnaby Skurlock of Scurlockston,Lynch of Donnower & diuers of the Plunkets & others of the gentry, and that by theire order their servants and particulerly the servants & tenants of Sir Christopher Plunkets here, in great number, armed did about the 12 of November 1640 1641 Rob all the English about Clonard Bridge in the County of Meath, and drove their Catle to the Bawne of Longwood to the those gentlemen being then there which was before anye northerne Irish came into those borders
<And further saith> That before Clantarfe was burned a day or two he himselfe had an 100 good Cowes taken from him by Hugh Hussey eldest son of the Barron of Galtrym in the County of Meath Boyce of Boyceston & other gentlemen freeholders of Meath, and by McGeoghegan who marryed the Lord of Dunboynes daughter being widdowe of ffitzgerald of Balseighan neere Kilcock, & droue them into the Bawne of Galtrym from the high way betweene Leixlip & Dublin by Ja: Dowdall then trav elling being with them <And> That before that tyme fitz Gerald of Rathtrone gentleman of quality in the County of Meath did take away all his sheepe by force of Armes.
Jur vt supra
fol. 222v
For Mr Deane Jones
Sir William Vsher