Examination of Nicholas Stafford
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=819087r111] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 09:38 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 87r
The Examinacion of Nickolas Stafford Esquire taken on behalfe of the Comonwealth concerninge the aforesaid Paule Veale
<to the 1st interro> this deponent sath that the said Paule did liue in this towne of Waxford in the first yeare of the warr and since till the said Towne was taken by the Lord Crumwell at which tyme the said Paule receaued a wound and <d> sath that the said Paule might haue remoued himeselfe into the English quarters as the English did
<to the 2 interro> he Can not depose
<to the 3 interro> this deponent sath that he beleiueth that the said Paule did pay taxes in the first <e> yeare of the warr with other inhabitants for the maintanance of the Irish forces
<to the 4: 5 and [s] 6th interro> he can not depose
<to the 7th interro> this deponent sath that the said Paule did take the oath of associacion it beinge generally imposed
<to the rest of the interrogatoryes> he Can not depose
Nic: Stafford
Sworne and examened
before vs this 29th december 1653
Tho Hart
John Walker
Mathew Stothard
fol. 87v