Deposition of Anthony Stockdale
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 10:00 AM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 243r
Anthony Stockdale late of Birr in the Kinges County gent And now of the Citty of Dublin beinge Examined deposeth as followeth That hee hath bin since the begining of theise Comotions & present Rebellion hath lost depriued robbed or otherwise dispoyled of his estate in meanes goods & chatles vizt horsses sheepe Corne Haye debts mony howshold goods & other goods & chatles to the vallue of 763 li._16 s. besides his lease & free estate beinge worth the some of 124 li._16 s._8 d. per Annum or thereaboutes By the Rebells in Ely รด Carroll, Ormond ffercall & Mc Coughlan Country with other remote Rebells which came to assist them whose names this Deponent Cannott well remember onely his neighbours whoe are in Rebellion and depriued him were partakers of his saide estate are <All of the Kings County> <A> Arte Molloy of Rathleighan Esquire John Molloy of Lishin gent Donell McArte Molloy of Rathmcgillduff gentleman William McCahir of Ballyboy gentleman John McGarrett of Streamestowne Esquire Con Coughlan of Milton gentleman John Carroll of Clonelisk Esquire Nicholas Harbert of Killyon Esquire Nicholas Harbert of Ballinegwelshy Esquire John Carroll of leape Esquire Teige Carroll of Rathmoore Esquire Charles Carroll of Dunger Esquire gent John Grace of Ballymoin in Ormond gentleman James Kennedy of Ballingarry in Ormond gentleman John Kennedy McPhillip ofgentleman all 3 of the county of Tipperary Besides Generall Preston, the Earle of Castlehauen Sir Robert Talbott, Rory Moore Sir Ja: Dillon & diuerse others whoe were at the taking of Birr.
Anthony Stockdale
Jur xiijo Apr 1643
Joh Watson
John Sterne
Hen: Brereton
fol. 243v
Kinges County
Anthony Stockdale Jur
xiijo Aprilis 1643
Exr Cert f