Deposition of John Holmsted

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:16 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1643-05-09
Identifier: 814244r153


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: King's Co
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Apostacy, Killing, Robbery, Words, Imprisonment
Commissioners: John Sterne, John Watson
Deposition Transcription:

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a Duplicate
John Holmsted Late of Clonshane in the kinges Countie & now of the Citty of Dublin gent sworne and examined deposeth and sayth: That during the time that he was prisoner with the grand Rebell Preston (whoe is generall of the irish army) att the Castle of Parsonstowne alias Birr in the kinges Countie where (by reason of the weaknes of his wiffe, she being at the time of the takeing of the Castle in Childbed, and haveing 5 smalle Children not able to travell on foote & being altogether destitute of horses to carry them thence Hee was inforced to remaine for a while in the said Castle and afterwards in the Cuntrie where his poore distressed wiffe, and children yet remaine amongst the irish; In which time of his this deponents being in the Castle of Birr aforesaid: after the rest of the English <A> were departed thence hee sawe and observed Sir George Harbert Barronet John McGarrott Coghlan Esquire Late Knight of the shire for that Countie. John Carroll of Clonlisk Esquire Luke Dulahide Esquire Teige McDonnogh Carroll of Rathmore Esquire John McTeige Carroll of Leipe John McTeige McOwnny of Killanoan Esquire Arthur Molloy of Railehin Esquire: Nicholas Harbert Junior Esquire John Carroll of Clonlisk the yonger Donnoghe Carroll sonn and heire to Teige Carroll of Rathmore aforesaid Con Molloy of Longford Teige Dullahantie of Cree John Molloy of Lisheene Neile Mc Theobald Molloy of Bollinary John McWilliam Larence John White sonn heire to Bennett white Teige McRory Carroll of Ballidingir John Grace of Ballimoneene in Lower Ormond Richard Butler of Teghinloghe in Ormond & Brian Hogan gentleman all of them armed, with swordes, some of them with swordes & skeanes some with swords & darts some with Petronells daily conversant with and attending the said generall Preston & the rest of the Comanders of the irish army both in the Castle of Birr aforesaid (such of them as had the favour to be admitted in) & alsoe in the towne and feildes abroad amongst the Tenants where

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where this deponent sawe and observed them both on horsback & on foote at such times as such time as he could obteine Liberty to walk abroade out of the Castle aforesaid (which he was not admitted to doe, but vpon speciall Lycense and direccion from Prestons owne mowth vnto the guard; vntill <B> such tyme as Charles Carroll of Ballindungirr gent (whoe by himself and his wiffe did many good offices for the releefe of this Deponent in particuler; and alsoe for the releefe of the Castle of Birr generally) became bound in a bond of 100 li. ster to the said Preston: That he this Deponent should appeare before the County Counsell for the kings County aforesaid att their next sitting & abide their further directions. And this deponent further saith That he was present in the dyneing roome or hall of the foresaid Castle of Birr: when Luke Delahide Esquire Teige Carroll of Rathmore Esquire John McTeige Carroll of Leipe Esquire, and John McTeige McOwny Carroll of Killanoan Esquire came to the said generall Preston, and were a long tyme in conference and discourse with him the said Preston, concerning the speedy bringing in of certeine moneys which those persons aforesaid were to leavy vpon the territory of Ely o Carroll & he this deponent heard the said Preston blame them that they were so longe before they brought in those monies: And he heard alsoe John McTeige Carroll of Leape aforesaid promise That his share of proporcion should be had very shortly: or wordes to that effect. And further saith That he was present when <C> Mr. Cantwell (whose Chrissen name he knoweth not; but knoweth well the person of the man) whoe by virtue of the said Prestons Command) carryed out of the Castle of Birr twoe men to be hanged: which he executed accordingly, And the said Cantwell (called Provost Marshall) Comanded out of the said Castle a guard of some 12 musketeers, to guard himself and those men to the place of execucion: which the foresaid musketeers accordingly did & attended him the said Cantwell with their musketts chardged and Matches Lighted &c. And this Deponent was present in a Chamber into the stone howse next vnto Birr Castle where John Carroll of Clonlisk aforesaid Esquire
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<D> Esquire with his wiffe Mary Dillon alias Carroll and his sonn & heire John Carroll the yonger & his wiffe Elizabeth Carroll daughter of the said John thelder were Lodged duringe their aboade with the said Mr Preston in Birr aforesaid: Where he this deponent sawe great store of provision, makeing ready in the kitchin of the said howse: which was provided ( as the wiffe of the said John Carroll & his wiffe Mary tould him) to entertaine the said Preston Sir James Dillon, Roger Moore, & the rest of the province prime Comanders of the irish army whome they had invited to dinner that day: And he heard them the said John & Marie say each to other that they would borrow Sir James Dillons tent that day & carry their provition thither: which (as they tould him this deponent in the evening of the same daie) they had done accordingly: And further saith That <E> he sawe Robert Tywe gent (formerly tennant vnto William Parsons Esquire in Birr now setled in the possession of the howse of John Crews in the towne aforesaid with his wiffe and family: By virtue of some direccions of the said Preston or his agent Captaine Burnell whoe (as this deponent was informed) hadd the setting & disposeing of all howses in Birr (yet standinge): & all plotts for buildinge & gardens, and the setting of the Landes about the towne to be tilled to the iiijth sheafe or yerely Rentes, And further saith that hee sawe and observed six or seven gentlemen comonly called and termed Commissioners authorized and appointed by the generall vote and consent of the said Preston, and the rest of the Colonells and prime Commanders of the irish army to take an Inventary of and to apprize and sell all the goods howshold stuff and other comodities taken from the English in the Castle and towne of Birr vizt of Such of whose names as this deponent remembreth are hereafter mencioned vizt Captain Burnell Captain Dillon: Mr Woolverston of the Kings County: and Oliver Darcie friere with 2 or 3 more whose names this deponent knoweth not: But knoweth well their persons: whome he saw daily searching of trunckes and removeing of the goods from one place to another, and was present when they were selling of Mr Williams his Leather to a Marchant of
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of Waterford, whose name this deponent knoweth not. And this Deponent further saith: That hee was present at a publique meeting of many of the gentlemen and freehoulders of the territory of Ely ô Carroll in the towne of Ballibritt in the kinges Countie about the 20th of ffebruary 1642 which meeting was (as this Deponent was there informed) to consult and agree vpon a speedie Course for the raiseing of a standing foote company of souldjers Consisting of the number of sixscore and tenn men or thereabouts which they called the trained band of Ely o Carroll, And alsoe to consider of a setled course for the payment and manteinance of this Company aforesaid, and Likewise to consider of a fitt person to bee (by the generall vote of that Country) elected & appointed Captain of the said Company: ffor obteineing of which place 2 yonge gentlemen there presented themselues to the Cuntrie <F> & stood in election vizt Teige Ore ô Carroll sonn and heire vnto Daniell mcTeige Ore o Carroll of Ballimoneene Esquire and Teige McRory Carroll of Ballidungirr yongest sonne to Rorie o Carroll Late of Ballindungirr deceased: which later vizt Teige McRory was elected, and by the Cuntry presented to those of the County Counsell: ffrom whom he the said Teige at their next sitting received full power and authoritie by warrant vnder their handes for executeing that place & raisinge of his men As alsoe assurance of his Constant pay of 5 s. per diem (as he the said Teige and twoe other of his brethern tould this deponent: And saith further That he sawe & observed present att this meeting aforesaid Luke Dallahide Esquire: Teige Carrooll of Rathmore Esquire Daniell McTeige ore ô Carroll of Ballymoneene Esquire Daniell McRory Carroll of Camgourt gent Teige McRory Carroll of Ballidungirr aforenamed Teige Dullahantie of Cree and twoe of his sonns: (whose Christen names this deponent doth not (for the present) Remember Conn Molloy of Lon gford gent old Edmund fflanigan William Mcffirr o Carroll gent Lewis or Lishagh Carroll and divers others alsoe whose names he knoweth nor, (though hee knoweth their persons: There were in all at that meeting the number of 100 persons of all sorts or thereabouts: all of them armed, some with swordes: some with pertronells pistolls, halfe pikes skeanes & darts: And this Company of souldiers aforesaid, was raised by virtue of some
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of some Comands or direccions to that purpose from their Counsell at Kilkenny or generall Preston or both Comanding the Countie of Ely o Carroll (in much hast to leavy those men and to haue them in a readines either to defend the seuerall straits and passages of that Cuntry Count y: When the rest of their armyes were vpon service out of the Cuntrie Orels to bee ready to attend the said Preston (vpon any occasion) vpon what tyme soever he should thinck fitt to call for them out of their proper Cuntrie or territory: This; the deponent heard daily discoursed of amongst themselues, And it was particulerly tould him by Charles Carroll of Ballindungirr gent, and <G> his brother Teige McRorie o Carroll above named (whoe is Captain of that Company or trained band above mencioned And this Deponent further sayth that he heard the foresaid Teige Carroll confesse and say That he the said Teige hadd a warrant from their Counsill, Lying by him: for the burning of the howse of Sergeant Maior Peisley called knocknamense at any time when he should thinck fitt & especially (if at any time the the said Teige should have intelligence of any english army to bee approching within five myles of the said howse; That then hee was authorized to burne the foresaid howse downe to the ground Least any English garrison should ever be kept there againe which warrant the said Teige Carroll affirmed to this deponent, that he the said Teige would not faile to execute to the full And this deponent being in the howse of Seargeant Major Peisley called knocknimease aforesaid: he sawe there in possesion of the same howse John McRory Caroll sonn to Rory ô Carroll Late of Ballindungirr deceased; with his wiffe & family who vttered theis ensueing disgracefull speeches against the English nation: vizt Theis base English Churles and traiters had thought to have banished all the brave noble, worthy, jrish out of Ireland: But (By God; wee will firck their Jackets: ffor which wordes Charles Carroll of Ballidungirr aforenamed, brother to the said John did
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Did very sharpely reproove the said John: Especially for speakeing soe basely of those that were absent and farr distant from him: and none being present there of equall powre or force to reply vnto or contradict him. And the said John Carroll said further (directing his speech to this deponent) This fellowe (meaneing one Gilbert Pordome, standing by) was a long time of your profession & Joined with the English: Burning and killing of the Irish vntill he the said John pulled him the said Gilbert out of his hole out of the Castle of Timahoe by the head and shoulders: & brought him to that howse of Knockinamease aforesaid: And this deponent further saith That hee being in the Castle of Ballidungirr in <H> the Kinges County aforesaid being the dwelling howse of ffinola ny Brien alias Carroll widowe and Relicte of Rory o Carroll of Ballidungirr Esquire Late deceased: where the said ffinola ny Brian tould this Deponent, That she did fynd and furnish with victualls and armes out of her proportion of land three souldiers Constantly in the irish army: which three souldiers aforesaid were at that time with the Army at Castle Comer from whence they had sent home a messinger vnto her for a further supply of mony or victualls; which shee said, she would send them as soone as shee coulde provide it for them: And this deponent further saith That he sawe and observed divers Comanders of the irish Army kyndly entertained and received by the said ffinola Carroll in her howse or Castle of Ballindungirr aforesaid & alsoe many friers & Preists (Amongst whome there was one Costigin a Preist, whose Christen name this deponent doth not well remember, but thincketh it was Dermott, & knoweth well the Parson of the man: whoe vttered many vile and base speeches in heareing of this Deponent, against the Lords Justices and Counsell of Ireland: Calling them Roagues and Rascalls and Traiters: ffor which wordes this Deponent
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<I> Deponent reproved the said Preist and tould him That it did not become him to speake soe basely of any that were absent and farr distant from him especially of his betters, And such honorable persons as those were &c: To which the said preist replyed and said That they were noe better then base Rascalls And if he were in Dublin he would speake soe of them: ffor they gave Comissions vnto the English Comanders of the Army to kill and distroy man woman, and child, and not to fulfill or performe any quarter to any of the irish. What faire promisse soever should bee made vnto them And this Deponent further saith, That about six daies after the ffort of Bannagher, was yeiled vpp: Hee the said Deponent, & Charles Carroll of Ballidungirr aforesaid gent, as they were travelling vpon the high way in Ely ô Carroll, they mett and rode in Company with John McGarrett Coghlan Esquire Late knight of the shire for the kings County: whoe was travelling towards kilkenny to their Supreame Counsell to gett a Custodium of the fort and Landes of Bannagher and some other parcells of land in that Countrie which (as hee said) did Formerly belong vnto his ancestors, And said further That hee the said John Coghlan had given vnto Preston and the irish army, out of his Country Delvin McCoghlan forty fatt beeves: which the said Armie did consume and eate vpp, besides Corne & other provision in those 2 or 3 daies & nights: Whilest they were beseegeing and takeing of his Maiesties ffort of Bannagher aforesaid: And this Deponent further sajth: That before he could be inlardged out of the Castle of Birr (as is first above mencioned) Charles Carroll of Ballidungirr gent became bound in a bond of 100 li. ster vnto the said Preston That hee this deponent should appeare before the County Counsell for the Kinges Countie att their next sitting, which was not vntill the begining of March Last. Att which time the said Counsill sate at Tullaghmore in the howse of Sir Robert fford knight, whither the said Charles Carroll and this
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this Deponent repaired, and desired notice might be taken of his apparance, and a Certificate Likewise, that he had appeared which with much adoe he obteined at Last, (but was much blamed by the said Counsill & charged with too much presumpcion, and bouldnes to offer to come to the roome amongst them. Before he the said deponent had first sent his peticion and himself to have staid in the towne, vntill he should have been called in, and was presently Comanded to avoid the Roome & advised to send in his Peticion which afterwards he did send to them but not at that tyme: There, this Deponent sawe & observed sitting about a table, (as members of itt <k> Inprimis the Lord Viscount Dempsy of Clanmeleero Art Molloy Esquire Terrence Coghlan Esquire William Brimigham Esquire Nicholas Sancky Esquire Terrence Dunn Mr Woolverston and some others whose backes were towards this deponent, and (in regard hee was soe soone commanded to avoid the roome), hee could not take notice of them: But heard them (at his first commeing neere their board) conferr about levieing & bringing in of moneys for payment of their armyes: And alsoe some Peticions redd, & orders given therevpon in Civill cawses betweene partie and partie And this deponent further sayth that hee sawe there a very greate assembly & concourse of people of the Inhabitants of that county & others armed attending the said Counsell, as well suitors as other persons vizt Mr Newgent brother to the Late Erle of Westmeath: Cormack Boy Coghlan Coroner of the Kinges County and his sonn (whose Christen name this Deponent knoweth not, Hugh oge ô Dallahan Junior gentleman Daniell mcRory Carroll of Camgourt gent Teige mcRory Carroll of Ballidungirr Captain of the foresaid trained band of Ely ô Carroll Dermott Higgin gent keane Higgin of Knockbarran gent: Donnogh Carroll sonn and heire vnto Teige Carroll of Rathmore Esquire Nicholas Brennan of the Island gent MrWowgan: whose person and surname this deponent knoweth well, but not his Christen name
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<L> name) Neale Molloy of Pallace gent Art mcCallough Molloy sonn and heire to Callowgh mcKedaghe Molloy of Lelamore gent which Art Molloy was sent by his father Callow McKedaghe aforesaid to prosecute suite againste Nicholas Brenan aforesaid at that Counsell about a leas and possession of a farme or parcell of land nere the Iland This Deponents cawse of knowledg is That he was present in the said Callow mcKedaghs howse that morning where he heard them discoursing of that busines and rode in Company with the said Art from his fathers howse to Tullaghmore to that Counsell, And heard the said Art say That his fathers peticion or busines was putt of vntill the next sitting of that Counsell &c. And further saith That hee sawe and observed to be at that Counsell at Tullaghmore <M> Colonell Tirrell sonn and heire to ould Captain Tirrell whoe had there many of his souldjers waiting vpon him armed in warlike manner with swords skeanes muskets and bandeleers Garding (and standing Centry at the doore of the said howse or roome where the said Colonell Tirrell was: and alsoe where he lodged in that towne of Tullaghmore aforesaid His cawse of knowledge is, that he was in his Companie in seuerall places of that towne, and Lodged in the said howse & roome with him at night one night; & sawe and observed what he hath here deposed concerning the same; And this Deponent further sayth that at the Counsell of Tullahmore aforesaid hee observed and sawe Garrett Connor gentleman leading a foote company called the Company of the trained <N> band: which Connor was Captain of that Company which he had Lately raised and gotten together, And brought them (soe raised) to that assemblie to be viewed by the Cuntrie where he led the said Companie (Consisting of neere sixscore men; vpp and downe the towne in ranck and file all of them well armed, and in warlike manner, with swordes skeanes musketts
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Musketts and firelocks about 60: the rest armed with Pykes, with their officers in order Their drum beating & colours abroad. And saith further that he was vpon <O> an occasion att Roscrea, where he mett with John Carroll of Clonlisk Esquire armed: Haveing in his Company Oliver Harbert gent armed in warlike manner: with a sword a skeine and darte, and Phillipp McGilfoile armed with like weapons and divers other loose persons, whose names this deponent knoweth not: But John Carroll aforesaid demanded of this deponent whether he would goe to Masse or not To which he answered That is was not soe easie a matter for a man to alter his faith & Religion vpon the sudden To which answere the said John Carroll presently replied That if you (meaneing the deponent) will not goe to masse within three sundaies next following: Then if I could meete with you any where vpon the high way I would hang you or any other of that Religion the deponent was of at the next bush: And further said vnto Mr Charles Carroll That he the said Charles was excomunicated for keepeing him the deponent company And that hee the said Charles should not fare the better for protecting him this deponent soe long in the Cuntrie: And said alsoe (after he was gone out of the howse vnto the said Charles Carroll That if hee the deponent, had not beene then in his the said Charles his Company: hee the said John would have hanged him or cutt him off, by some other meanes at that tyme (as the said Charles tould this Deponent soe soone as he returned back from the said John Carroll) And further the said Charles advised this deponent (as hee loved his owne liffe, to beware and take heed of the said John Carroll ffor he the said Charles perceived that the said John Carroll intended evill towards him the Deponent And this deponent further saith That hee was att Lumcloan (the howse of Sir Arthur Blundell knight where he fownd in possession of that howse John McGarrett Coghlan
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Kings Countie
John Holmstedd gent
Jur ixo Maij 1643

Deponent Fullname: John Holmsted
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Gentleman
Deponent County of Residence: Kings County
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: * Preston, George Harbert, John McGarrott Coghlan, John Carroll, Luke Dulahide, Teige McDonnogh Carroll, John McTeige Carroll, John McTeige McOwnny, Arthur Molloy, Nicholas Harbert Junior, John Carroll, Donnoghe Carroll, Teige Carroll, Con Molloy, Teige Dullahantie, John Molloy, Neile Mc Theobald Molloy, John McWilliam Larence, John White, Teige McRory Carroll, John Grace, Richard Butler, Brian Hogan, Charles Carroll, Luke Delahide, Teige Carroll, John McTeige Carroll, John McTeige McOwny Carroll, Mr. Cantwell, James Dillon, Roger Moore, Robert Tywe, * Burnell, * Woolverston, Oliver Darcie, Teige Ore Carroll, Teige McRory Carroll, Daniell McRory Carroll, Teige Dullahantie, Conn Molloy, Edmund fflanigan, William Mcffirr o Carroll, Lishagh Carroll, John McRory Caroll, John McGarrett Coghlan, Delvin McCoghlan, Robert fford, Art Molloy, Terrence Coghlan, William Brimigham, Nicholas Sancky, Terrence Dunn, Mr Newgent, Cormack Boy Coghlan, Hugh oge Dallahan, Daniell mcRory Carroll, Teige mcRory Carroll, Dermott Higgin, keane Higgin, Donnogh Carroll, Nicholas Brennan, * Wowgan, Neale Molloy, Art mcCallough Molloy, Callowgh mcKedaghe Molloy, Colonell Tirrell, Capten Tirrell, Garrett Connor, Oliver Harbert, Phillipp McGillfoile, John McGarrett Coghlan, Bennett white, Mary Dillon als Carroll, John Carroll, Elizabeth Carroll, William Parsons, John Crews, * Williams, Daniell mcTeige Ore o Carroll, Rorie o Carroll, Sergeant Maior Peisley, Rory Carroll, Gilbert Pordome, ffinola ny Brien, Rory o Carroll, * Costigin, Lord Viscount Dempsy, Erle of Westmeath, Teige Carroll, Arthur Blundell, John Mc Garrott
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned