Examination of Owen Breine
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fol. 110v
Owen Breine of Eniscorthy gent aged thirty foure yeares or thereabouts being duely sworne & examined Concerning the within said Morish mc Donell gent deacesed, saith & Deposeth that he well knew the said Morish and dwelt nigh him during the rebellyon, And that the said Morish did no Liue at Culenehorney in the Irish quarters, the first yeare and the residue of the said rebellyon on till he died and did not remooue himselfe into the english quarters as his protestant neighbours did: And further saith that he is Confident the said Morish did contribute to the publicque Levyes for the maintenance <m> of the Irish forces against the english in the first yeare of the said Rebellyon and afterwardes: And further saith that the said Morish had one sonne by Name James, who went over seas to Spaine, either with or shortly before Collonell Cavanagh his partie went thither but the certainety of either of which the examinant is not possituely assured of which said James informed this deponent before his departure that hee intended to take vpon him the office of preisthood and further saith not &c
Owen Breine
Sworne before vs the
28th of february 1653
Edward Withey
R: Hussey