Examination of Richard Shortall

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=819117r146] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 06:30 PM

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Date: 1654-03-02
Identifier: 819117r146


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Wexford
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Death, Robbery, Confederacy
Commissioners: Edward Withey, William Moore
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 117r

The examinacion of Richard Shortall of Eniscorthy gent aged fortie yeares or thereabouts taken vpon oath on the behalfe of the Comonwealth Concerning Danyell Doile of Knockliduffe in the barronie of Scarewailsh and County of wexford gent vpon the Interrogatoryes annexed to the Comission of enquiry
<To the 1st Interr> The Examinant saith & Deposeth, that the said Danyell dwelt at Knockliduffe in the barrony and County aforesaid in the Irish quarters the first yeare & the whole time of the rebellyon and thence remooued not into the english quarters as Lieutenant Richard <c> Annesley, Mr Richard Greene, Mr william Stannop & other english & protestants in that barronie did: His cause of knowledge is for that the deponent was frequently conuersant with the said Danyell & dwelt nigh him during the time of the said Rebellyon
<To the 2d Interr> Hee Cannot depose
<To the 3d & 4th Inter> The examinant saith that hee knoweth that the said Danyell was well affected to the Irish cause and [g ] collected soe much by his Conferrence with the said Danyell and that the said Daniell did contribute his person and endeauours towarde{s} the promoting of the said Rebellion, which hee did act & abet <d> to his power by being a member of the County Councell and Joyning with the members thereof in issuing warrants for the raysing maintenance for the Irish forces in Armes against the english.
<To the 5th Inter> The examinant saith That he did seauerall times see the said Daniell Doyle at Diuers meetings of the Irish held at Scarewailsh for the barrony of Scarewailsh, in particular & at Eniscorthy at a meeting held there for the County in <e> generall, which was in the first yeare of the rebellyon & since the same meetings being held in relacion to the ordering their, the Irish affayres against the english: & the deponent saith that hee is confident the said Danyell was generally at all the publicque meetings of the Irish, being a man of good esteem ag among the Irish, & one that was actiue and tooke vpon him much for the Irish interest.

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<To the 6th Interr> The examinant saith That he did see the said Danyell at a generall meeting of the said County of wexford held at Eniscorthy in or about the yeare 1643: when & where an election <f> was made of Burgesses to serue in the generall assembly
<To the 7th Inter> The Deponent saith That he is confident the said Danyell did take the oath of associacion & the cause which induceth the deponent to beleiue the same is for that the said Danyell would not be admitted to them places of Dignitie & trust which he managed had he not taken the said oath (as he Conceiues)
<To the 8th Inter> Hee Cannot depose
<To the 9th Interr> The Deponent saith That the said Danyell was a member of the County Councell in the first yeare of the said Rebellyon as aforesaid, And that the said Danyell was afterwardes <g> Justice of peace till the Reducing of the County of wexford to the english obedience The deponents cause of knowledge is for that the deponent did see the said Danyell sitt & act with the County Councell in the said first yeare as one of their members and afterwardes the deponent did see the said Danyell at seauerall assizes & sessions held at wexford sitting vpon the bench with & among the Justices of peace & acting as one of them for seauerall yeares of the said Rebellyon.
<To the 10th & 11th Inter> hee Cannot depose
<To the 12th Inter> The Deponent saith that the said Danyell did take into his Custodie the Number of three hundred & sixty sheep, thirty eight cowes & oxen besides garrans & stud mares & other <h> goods and Cattle to a Considerable vallue which the said Danyell had and kept by the deliuery of Lieutenant Richard Annesley the proprietor of the said cattle and goods as the said Lieutenant informed this Deponent and the deponent was further certified of the truth thereof by a fosterer of the said Lieutenant Annesleys, who Complayned to this deponent that the said Danyell tooke from him two cowes that were giuen him towardes the releife of a child of the said Lieutenants that was left s in the keeping of the said fosterer & partely recomended to the care & tuicion of this deponent, the said childe being then dead which cattle and goods or any of them or any satisfacion in Leiw thereof was never restored for ought

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knowne to this deponent.
<To the 13th Inter> Hee Cannot depose and further saith not &c
Rich: Shortall
Sworne before vs the
2d of March 1643
Wm: Moore
Edward Withey

Deponent Fullname: Richard Shortall
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Gentleman
Deponent County of Residence: Wexford
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Danyell Doile, Lieutenant Richard Annesley,, Richard Greene, william Stannop
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Confederate, Victim, Victim, Victim