Examination of James Bolger
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James Bolger of Killeloge gentleman aged fortie yeares or ther{e}abouts deposeth Concerning the aforesaid Bryan รด Deora{n} saith that he knoweth nothing of his actions During the Rebellyon but touching his carriadge & behauiour since the Lord generall Cromwells accesse to the County of Wexford with his Armie saith & Deposeth that there being a generall <o> order set forth about January 1651: Requiring all persons vnder the penalty of death to desert their habitacions in that barrony & other partes declared to bee excluded from protecion: This Deponent having remooued in conformity thereunto, the said Bryan Complayning that to the deponent vpon his remoovall that his whole stocke Consisted in Corne & that he wanted garrans to bring the same within the lyne whereuppon the deponent proferred to lend him some of his garrans to help him in that behalfe & to let the said Bryan haue parte of the deponents farme which the deponent held within the lyne which the said Bryan Declining & abiding about his former residence without the Lyne, was there found by Captain William Boulton & by him & his souldyers killed as this deponent hath been Informed by the said Bryans wife and further saith not
James Bolger
Sworne before vs the
7th of March 1653
John Walker
Richard Neale