Examination of John Whitty
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John Whitty of Joyntstowne farrier aged forty fiue yeares or thereabouts deposeth Concerning the foresaid Phillip Devereux & Edward Devereux that he well knew the foresaid Phillip & Edward & that they were in Actuall Armes for the Irish against the english in the first yeare of the rebellyon acting and abetting the same in the Capacity of priuate souldyers, vnder the Comand & in the Company of Collonell William Browne that lay with others of the Irish forces blocking vp the english in the forte of Duncannon The deponents the <r> first sumer after the Rebellyon began the deponents Cause of knowledge is for that the deponent serued in the Company of the said Collonell Browne at the seige aforesaid when & where he did see them the said Phillip and Edward passing vpon duty & receiuing pay in the foresaid Company & further Cannot depose &c
John [mark] Whitty his marke
Sworne before vs the
9th of ffebruary 1653
Tho Hart
Am Andrewes