Examination of John ô Murrow
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John ô Murrow of Maglasse yeoman aged fifty eight yeares or thereabouts deposeth Concerning the foresaid Phillip and Edward Devereux, that he well knew the said Phillip & Edward & did see them in actuall Armes against Duncannon forte in the Capacityes of priuate souldyers abetting the rebellion in the foote Company of Collonell William Browne in the sumertime after the rebellion brake forth <s> at the seige of Duncannon His further cause of knowledge is for that the deponent was a suttler or victualler to the forces then against Duncannon at that time to whom the said Dever Phillip & Edward did repayre often times for meat & drincke & further Cannot depose &c
John ô Murrow his [mark] marke
Sworne before vs the
10th of ffebruary 1653
Tho Hart
Am Andrewes