Deposition of Anthony Hovenden
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:36 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 147r
Anthony Hovenden of Cloneguden in the Queenes County and Ensigne to the Lord President of Mounster being duely sworne deposeth that by meanes of this present rebellion he lost in the townes and lands of Clonegueden & moony in the <M> Barony of Vpper Ossery in the Queenes County aforesayd since about the twentyeth day of November last past, as followeth vizt.
Imprimis in cowes, oxen, horses, sheepe & swine _____________157 li._0 s.
It: in corne and malte ____________________________________174_0
It: in houshould stuff & householde provision ________________ 59_10
It: in debts eyther in the hands of the rebbels or those that are beggered by
the sayd rebbels ________________________________________ 80_0
It: in the interest of his farm now esteemed worth nothing & before the rebellion
worth ________________________________________________ 120_0
Tot:590 li._10 s.
Of the which he was dispoyled and from which he was expulsed and dispossed about the time aforesayd by the fitzpatricks, Cashins and other rebells whose names are in this follow ing schedule being the natives about the foresayd places, whose names are vnknowen vnto this deponent, by reason he was employed in his maiesties service to the Citty of Dublin but theyr names (when knowen) shall be annexed in a following schedule: And further deposeth not:
Anthony Hovenden
Jurat: Jan: 27o 1641:
Hen: Jones
Hen: Brereton
fol. 147v