Examination of John Carne
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=819127r158] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:17 PM
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fol. 127r
The Examinacion of John Carne of Wexford Baker aged 47 yeeres or therabouts taken vpon Oath on the behalfe of the Common wealth concerninge James Stafford of wexford gent deceased
<To the 1st Interrogatory> he deposeth that the said James dwelt in the Irish quarters the first yeere and the whole tyme of the Rebellion att his house att Rahale & att Wexford and did not remove into the English <i> quarters as Rows Davyes and diuerse other protestants did Livinge in and about wexford his cause of knowledge is that he lived in wexford where every month, he saw him
<To the 2 Interrogatory> he cannot depose
<To the 3> saith that the said James did actually contribut his his person in promoting the Rebellion being one of the Eminents men in the towne of wexford in making it a Garizon in the tyme of the Rebellion <k> The cause of this deponents knowledge is that he hath seene him walking with the Lord Mountgarrett and other gent in order to the promotinge on of of the Rebellion within the towne of wexford
<To the 4: 5th Interrogatory 6th 7th & 8th> he cannott depose
<To the 9th> The deponent saith that the said James did beare the office of a Captain of a company of men and gouernor of the Castell about the yeare 46 <l> and soe Continued vntill 49 vntill it was reduced by his highnes the Lo: protector the cause of this deponents knowledge is that lived neere the Castle and saw him dayly
<To the 10th Interrogatory> deposeth that he had a brother by name Michael who was Mayor of Wexford 49 and soe continued vntill the towne was reduced as aforesaid and that he had another brother by name Richard <m> Stafford who was a Captain in the Irish Army the whole tyme of the Rebellion all which This brethren had correspendency together in order to the carryinge on of the Rebellion against the English the cause of his knowledge is that he saw them Acting in that capacity the whole tyme of the Rebellion
fol. 127v
<To the 11th 12th & 13th> he cannott depose and further saith not
John [mark] Carne his marke
Sworne before vs
3o Ap: 54
Edward Withey
John Walker