Examination of Patrick Wicken
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=819130v162] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:17 PM
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fol. 130v
Patricke Wicken of Corroghcloe yeoman aged about fortie foure yeares deposeth concerning the said <h> Edmond Synnott of Garriniske gent vizt That the said Edmond about or soone after Hallantide 1641: came in a hostile manner in Companie with his father in law Nicholas Stafford, Peirce Synnot & others all of them Armed with swordes & others weapons to Corroghcloe aforesaid the estate of Adam Waller a protestant minister where John Wicken this Deponents father a protestant then dwelt: whither being come he the said Edmond & the rest with him in a violent manner turned the deponents father out of the said house of Corroghcloe & kept the same & all the goods and Chattles therein, it being well replenished with seauerall sortes of goods partely of the propertie of the
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said Adam Waller & partely of the deponents fat fathers propertie In which howse he the said Edmond continued & kept possession thereof and of the goods therein for sometime without Restoring the deponents father eyther to the possession of his the said howse or any parte of the goodes therein The Deponents cause of knowledge is for that the Deponent was at that time with his father in the said howse & turned thereout in manner aforesaid & was a <i> spectator of what he hath he heere deposed & knoweth noe cause or reason for their soe doeing onely because the said Adam Waller & the deponents father were protestants & further saith not &c
The marke [mark] of Patricke Wicken
Sworne before vs the
first of Aprill 1654
John Walker
Edward Withey
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