Deposition of Anthony Sherwin
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 09:46 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 161r
Add this to second Examination taken at Limerick
Anthony Sherwin Shering late of Ballemorohe in the parish of Ballengarey in the barony of Conella and within the Coun{tie} of Lymrick gent duly sworne and examined by vertue of &c deposeth and saith that on or aboute the 24th day of Decem{ber} last and since the begining and by meanes of this presente rebel{lion} in Ierland hee lost was robbed and forceably dispoyled of hi{s} goods and Chattells to the seuerall valewes following vizt worth 392 li.
<hand> Off Cowes sheepe horses mares and swine to the valew of one hu{ndred} seuenty and twoe pounds of Corne in Stack, house, and ground wor{th} one hundred and tenn pounds of hay Tenn pounds In householde stuffe thirty pounds this deponent saith that hee was expelled and <A> driuen away from his dwelling and lease of Ballemorogh afforesai{d e } worth Three score and tenn pounds The totall of his losses were Th{ree} hundred ninety and two pounds This deponent saith And that his goods taken away forceably by James Lee of Dollavin in the barony of Cos{ma} gent William Collum of Lyssamote in the barony of Connella g{ent} Richard Collum sonn to the aforesaide William Collum gent Rob{ert} Lacy of Ballengarry in the barony of Connella gent Garrett Har{ } of Racse Rakeele in the barony of Connella afforesaid Morrish Bartly Knockdrummassel in the barony of Cosma Esquire After the los{se} of this deponents goods hee fled to the Castell of Kilfeyney in the b{arony} of Connella afforesaide and within the County of Lymrick affore{saide} where hee was beseeged (vntill deliuered vpon quarter) By my Lo{rd of} <hand> Roach my Lord of Muscary Lord Bourke Barron of Castleco{nnell} Theobald Pursall alias Barron Loghmaye Patrick Pursall o{f} Crogh in the barony of Pubblebrien Esquier Edy Lacy of Brury in the barony of Connella gent Thomas Lacy of Alla{ } in the barony of Cosma gent John Burgett of Cloher in the paris{h} of Da[nnmire] in the barony of Cosma Esquire John Roach of ffannin{g} towne in the Barony of Pubblebrien gent Conner mc cam{ } of Castletowne in the barony of Conella afforesaide gent all in the County of Lymrick John ffitz Edmond Gerrold of Ballifiniter in the barony of Connella gent John oge ffitz
fol. 161v
<b> Gerrold sonn to the afforesaide John ffitz Edmond James ffitz Edmunds sonn to the afforesaid John ffitz Edmunds And Dauid ffitz Edmunds and his sonns all of Ballifiniter in the barony afforesaide whose names this deponent knowes not this deponent saith that one william deane was murdered by the afforesaide and ther Complices whoe came before the Castle of Kilfeyny afforesaid with Banners displayed in A most hostile manner and with great ordnance which did batter the Castle vntill it was deliuered vnto them whoe after wards did hang three Irish men beeing good subiects whose names were Richard ô Donnoho & Robert ô Donnoho his sonn Edmund o Calla & Nora mc Canurecan all of Kilfeyny this deponent Asking them the reason wherefore they committed these insolencyes & murders there Answar was that they had commission from the king to doe it, And further he cannot depose
Anthony Sherwyn
Jurat coram nobis
3o 9bris 1642
Hen: Rugge
Thomas Ellwell
fol. 162r
fol. 162v
{ } Limerick
The examination of
Anthony Sheeringwin
for the murthers of william Deane: 3 Irish men
& a woman by the Lo: of Muskery
& others at Kilfinny Castle
Lo: Muskery