Deposition of Therlagh Kelly
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 01:06 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 170r
Therlagh Kelly of the Towne and parish of youghal{l} in the B arony of Inshiquin and within the County of Corke gentleman (an Irish protestant) duely sworne and examined vpon oath before vs by vertue of a Comission vnder the broade seale of this kingdome to vs & others directed (beareing date at Dublin the 5th day of March last) touching the losses & sufferinges of his Maiesties subiects Brittish & protestants in the province of Munster by meanes of this rebellion besides diuers other particulars to be Inquired after by vertue of the said Comission tending to the discouery of this presente rebellion he deposeth & saith
That aboute the first of May last one Thomas Williams of youghall merchant was appointed Capteine for the sea by the late lord President of this Province & being directed by his lordshipp (among other Instructions) to goe in company with Sir <A> Edward Denny knight to releeue the Castle of Traly in the County of Kiery then in greate extremity being closely besiedged by Collonell mc Carty of Currins in the said County Esquire and his forces: The said Williams aboute the last of May haueing receaued directions touching his intended voyadge tooke shipping at the harbour of youghall afore{said} carryeing with him foure score men or therabouts, parte wherof lay aboord the said Williams shipp called the flowe{r} of youghall (then admirall appointed for the said voyadg{e} thother parte lay aboord the ship called the lyon of yougha{ll} wherof Thomas Bryant was Capteine & being the{n} seasonably provided they sailed from thence to Corke {&} there tooke a boord their said shipps Sir Edward Denny and his foote company, which donn they sailed away west wards to a place called the Dercies in OSully<B>van Beares mores country & haueing landed some men there the enemy gaue them a skirmish & one of the said Sir Edwar{ds} company called Phillipp o leincy was then shot and from thence (haueing got that resistance) they sailed to {the} Riuer of Kilmara in the County of Kiery in o Sully{vanes}
fol. 170v
Country, some men being landed, the enemy likewise there did skirmish with them but noe men lost we set foorth to sea againe but saileing to & froe in the said riuer, and aboute the sea coast, they put in to a place called Ballinscellig, where the Inhabitants pretended themselues to be subiects, but haueing betrayed some of Captein Lees company then in the harbour that went ashore (pretending vpon their loyalty) by dissarmeing three or foure of his musketiers then we landed some forces & after exchanging some shot with the enemy but looseing noe men they tooke the sea againe burneing the said Ballinskellig & the Country round aboute it & tooke one <D> Segerson of the same gentleman then prisoner afterwards they came to the harbour of dingley coose where the Townesmen resisted them & made diuers shots at the shipps & being thus opposed they saild back againe to the said Riuer of Kilmara & perceaueing some Cattle neere the shore (which were left there of purpose to drawe them on) they landed foure score men or therabouts comanded by Edward Wockly Ensigne to the said Sir Edward haueing then in Company with him Capteine Grinfield Halce & one Mr lintoll, noe sooner they came ashore, but O sullyvane mores forces consisting at least of seaven or eight hundred men layeing in seuerall ambushes fell vpon them killing the said Halce & in a barbarous maner hewing & hacking his body in diuers places & cutting of his head, murthered likewise the said Mr Lintoll & desperatly wounded the said Mr Wockly besides three score & seaventeene comon souldiers then killed soe that of all the company that went ashore, not aboue
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