Examination of Shane oge Murcho
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fol. 139r
The examinacion of Shane oge Murcho of fernes gent aged sixty three yeares or thereabouts taken vpon oath on the behalfe of the Comonwealth Concerning Edmond Murcho & Phelim Murcho of Killeleigh in the barrony of Ballaghkeen & County of wexford gent vpon the Interrogatoryes annexed to the Commission of enquiry
<To the 1st Inter> The deponent saith that he well knew the said Edmond & Phelim Murcho for that they were allyed to this deponent and that they the said Edmond and Phelim dwelt at Kylleleigh and <f> other places in the enemyes quarters during the first year of the rebellyon and since and did not remooue into the english quarters as Sir walsingham Cooke knight Mr Swanton and other english in them partes did, The deponents cause of knowledge is in that the deponent was kinne to the said Edmond and Phelim and dwelt nigh them of along time.
<To the 2d interr> Hee Cannot depose
<To the 3d & 4th inter> The deponent saith that the said Edmond did actually Contribute his proporcion as well of publicque Leuyes as to the <g> raysing of men and prouiding of Armes for them for the promoting the warre against the english in the first year of the rebellyon and before the 10th of 9ber (1642: This deponents cause of knowledge is for that the deponent was a Constable in or about that yeare and thereby is was acquainted with the Irish proceedings & that the Imposicions or leuyes were soe vniuersall that noe person was excused from Contributing thereunto
<To he 5th interr> The deponent saith that he this deponent did frequently see <h> the said Edmond at the publicque meetings of the Irish that were vsually assembled at Ballaghkeen in the first yeare of the Rebellyon in order to forward the said rebellyo{n} against the english
<To the 6th interr> Hee Cannot depose
<To the 7th interr> The deponent saith that he beleiues the said Edmond did take the oath of associacion for that it was a generall thing.
<To the 8th & 9th Inter> Hee cannot depose
fol. 139v
To the Rest of the Interrogatoryes hee Cannot depose and further saith not &c
Shane oge Murcho his [mark] marke
Sworne before vs
23o ffebruary 1653
R: Hussey
Edward Withey