Examination of James Peirce
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=819144r178] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:43 PM
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fol. 144r
James Peirce of Ballell gent aged forty yeares or thereabouts being examined Concerning the within said Nicholas Mayler saith that the said Nicholas was in actual{l} Armes against the forte of Duncannon where the deponent did see the said Mayler about ffebruary 1641: At which time the said Mayler was a Captayne or Leiutenant Collonell or both & had to the deponents personall sight & knowledge a Company of men vnder his Comand who with others did beseig the forte of Duncannon then guarrissoned by the Lo{rd} said Esmond, And the deponent further saith that he did see the said Mayler Comand & lead the said forces against the english when they made a sally out of the for{te} <b> in the time aforesaid And the deponent further saith tha{t} he did see the said Nicholas sit & act with the Count{y} Councell in wexford in the first yeare In both which Capacityes the said Nicholas as the deponent is very Confident did to his vtmost act & abet the sa{id} Rebellyon & further saith not &c
James Pre{s}
Sworne before vs the
8th of ffebruary 1653
Tho Hart
Am Andrewes
fol. 144v