Deposition of John Deane
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 188r
9 Aprill 1642
John Deane of Montrah in the Queens County husbandman duly sworne and examined deposeth That he this deponent and his sister Ellenor Berket widdow since the 12 of 9ber last by this present rebellion are robbed and dispoyled of all their goods followinge in cattle of all sorts, househould stuff, and other prouision at lest a hundred pounds sterl: and disposessed of a Lease of a farme worth as it then was at Lest 40 li. Although the said John sold some of the said cattle for 2 s. others for 4 s. 6 d. a peice, otherwise he had lost all, which were worth some 20 s. others 50 s. a peece. This deponent since fled for feare of his life, and yet hard it commonly reported and dothe beleeue it, That fflorence ffitzpatrick had some of the [soe] goods. And this deponent verely beleeveth that Richard Grace Burgoe-master of Maryburrow turnd rebell, <A> for asmuch as he gave up his place in that Towne and went into the Country to live among the rebells untill his returneing now to Towne upon the comeing of his Maiesties Army
John Dene
jurat 9 April 1642
Roger Puttocke
John Sterne
fol. 188v