Examination of James Bolger
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fol. 151v
James Bolger of Killeloge gentleman aged fortie yeares or thereabouts deposeth concerning the said Bran Murphy deceased That the said Bran dwelte in the said Barrony of Ballaghkeen in the Irish quarters all the time of the rebellyon and <z> that the deponent did see the said Bran at the publicque meetings of the Irish held in & for the said Barony some yeares after the rebellyon beganne And that the said Bran was a member of the County Councell for the Irish as the said Bran informed the deponent the said Bran telling this Deponent that he could not & Nor would not attend the same And further saith that Murtagh Murphy sonne to the said Bran after the english came to And had reduced Wexford did take vp Armes & became a souldyer in the Irish
fol. 152r
partie in Sir Thomas Esmondes Regiment with which Regiment the Deponent did see him in Armes where he the said Murtagh remayned till the Irish did submit <a> & [ ] laid downe Armes: After which Laying downe of Armes the deponent did see the said Murtagh among hee did informe the deponent that he had been a souldyer <others> of the Irish partie as aforesaid and further saith not
James Bolger
Sworne before vs the
7th of March 1653
John Walker
Richard Neale