Examination of James Bolger
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fol. 167r
The examinacion of James Bolger late of Balliclenranell in the barrony of Ballaghkeen gent aged about fortie yeares taken vpon oath on the behalfe of the Comonwealth Concerning Allexander Murphy of BallJames in the said barro{ny} of Ballaghkeen & County of Wexford gent deceased
<To the 1st Inter> The Examinant saith & Deposeth that the said Allexander dwel{t} at BallJames in the said Barrony and County in the Irish quarters the first yeare of the rebellyon & since till he dyed & from thence did not remooue himself{e} <a> into the english quarters as Mrs wadsworth a protest{ant} that dwelt nigh the said Allexander did: The deponents Cause of knowledge is for that the deponent did Liue in within two miles to the said Allexander for seauerall yeares of the said Rebellyon
<To the 2d 3d & 4th Inter> Hee Cannot depose
<To the 5th Inter> The Examinant saith that he did seauerall times see the said Allexander at Diuers publicque meetings of the Irish in the said Barrony held at a place called Ballaghkeen & at meeting{s} in other partes & places of that barrony the fourth or fifth <b> yeare of the said Rebellyon at which meetings the Irish were accustomed to Consulte of their laying cesses for maintenance of the Irish Armie.
<To the Rest of> the Interrogatoryes he Cannot depose other then that one Richard wadsworth & his mother Mrs wadsworth & one Arthur Maynwairing all protestants, being nigh neighbours to the said Allexander in the said barron{y} <c> of Ballaghkeen did fly to wexford in the first breaking out of the rebelly{on} for preseruacion of their [ ] es lifes & left behinde them their stockes that were plundered but by whom the deponent knoweth no{t} & further cannot depose
James Bolger
Sworne before vs the
7th of March 1653
John Walker
Richard Neale
<Alexander Murphy { }>