Examination of Ralph Waddington

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=819175v218] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 06:32 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1654-03-31
Identifier: 819175v218


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Wexford
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Robbery, Confederacy
Commissioners: Edward Withey, Richard Neale
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 175v

Ralph Waddington of St Johns gentleman aged sixtie foure yeares or thereabouts Deposeth concerning the foresaid Peirce Synnot & his two Sons Walter and Dauid vizt <To the 1st Inter> That the said Peirce Dwelte in the Irish quarters the first yeare of the Rebellyon & alwayes during the same <e> the deponents cause of knowledge is for that the deponent was inuited to & was at the said Peirce his house at Corroghtloe during the wa re warre
<To the 2: 3d & 4th> Hee Cannot depose
<To the 5th Inter> The Deponent saith That he did see the said Peirce frequently <f> at the publicque meetings of the Irish assemblyes held at Wexford, Eniscorthy & elsewhere in the first yeare of the Rebellyon & sometime sithence
<To the 6th 7th 8th & 9th> Hee Cannot depose

fol. 176r

<To the 10th Inter> The Deponent saith That the said Peirce had two Sons by Name Walter and Dauid, which said walter at the beginning of the rebellyon ceized into his handes & dwelt vpon the landes of Cranebredy, which the said Peirce had before the Rebellyon mortgaged or sould <g> to Mr ffountaine a protestant who dwelt thereon & was banished there from at the beginning of the said Rebellyon: The Deponents cause of knowledge is for that the deponent knew the said Mr ffountaine to dwell on the said landes before & at the breaking forth of the said Rebellyon & after ffountaines banishment the deponent did see the said walter dwelling on & manuring the said landes, which to this deponents knowledge were by the said Peirce sould absolutelie to the said fountaine And saith That the said Peirce walter was countenanced by his said father in this action And further saith That the said Dauid was in Armes the first yeare of the Rebellyon for the Irish against the english & was in had the title & Comand of Major of the forces blocking vpp of Duncannon in the first yeare of the Rebellyon The Deponents cause of knowledge is for that the said Dauid came to visit the deponent & his wife to whom he was of kinne & for that the said Dauid came with Collonell Preston (sometime generall of the Irish forces) to this Deponents howse at his first coming from beyond seas where the said Preston did quarter for one night with his wife and children which was about the latter end of the first yeare of the said Rebellion & that the said Dauid had recourse vnto releife & Countenance from the said Peirce his father as a sonne during his actings aforesaid & afterwardes the said Dauid was Lieutenant <h> Collonell or Collonell of the Irish forces & sometime gouernor of the towne of Wexford In which towne the said Dauid was in actuall Armes against the english Armie at their beseiging thereof but escaped thence by boate before the same was stormed as the deponent heard, & further saith not &c
Ralphe Waddington
Sworne before vs
31o Marcy 1654
Edward Withey
Richard Neale

fol. 176v

Peirce Synnot of Cranebredy 2

Peirce Synnott of

Deponent Fullname: Ralph Waddington
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Gentleman
Deponent County of Residence: Wexford
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Peirce Synnot, Mr ffountaine, Dauid Synnot, Collonell Preston, Walter Synnot
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Confederate, Victim, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate