Examination of Margaret Hitchins
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fol. 185r
The Examinacion of Margaret Hitchins of wexford wid{ow} aged fiftie yeares or thereabouts taken vpon oath on the behalfe of the Comonwealth Concerning Cahire mc mc Phelim of Knockbrandon and John his sonne in the barrony of Goary and County of wexford gent
The Examinant saith and Deposeth that the said Cahire dwelt nigh to Tomduffe the dwelling of Sir walsingham Cooke knight to whom the Examinant was Seruant in the first beginning of the rebellyon: And further saith That the said John sonne to the said Cahire came in Armes in Companie with diuers other persons to the landes of Tomduffe aforesaid about Hallantide 1641: and thence did driue and carry away about two hundred head of Cattle of the proper goodes of the said Sir <n> Walsingham Cooke which were feeding on his lands of Tomduffe In which action the Examinant Did see the said John present and actiue at the time and in the manner aforesaid And further saith not &c that Imediately after that action, the said John tooke vp Armes and became a souldyer with the Irish, and was with their forces beseiging the castle of Carnow then defended by the english where he the said John was slayne As this Examinant was informed by diuers of her neighbours that were at Carnow and did see the said John Killed as aforesaid and further saith not &c
Margaret Hitchins her [mark] marke
Sworne before vs the
20th of March 1653
J: Ouerstreete
Richard Neale
fol. 185v