Examination of Edward Synnott
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fol. 190v
Edward Synnott of Roslare aged about forty foure yeares being sworne & examined touching the said James Peirce deposeth & saith that the deponent did see the said James Peirce in Armes among the Irish of the Countrey that were assembled togeather to beseige & that did beseige the forte of Duncannon in about <the first> March after the rebellyon brake forth, the said James hauing noe Comand that the deponent knoweth of & further saith that in the Easter weeke in the said said first yeare a partie of Thomas Rosceters Company went to releiue the howse of walter whitty of Dungulph against which the english of the forte of Duncannon <e> were then shooting by which party one Leiutenant Treuisoe an officer of the english party with about eight fifteen men in his Company with him were killed by the said Rosceters Company & to the best of the deponents remembrance the said James and was with the said Rosceters Company At the time the english were killed as aforesaid & further saith that the deponent did after that did see the said James Peirce among the Irish for about six or seauen dayes Space at shelbeggan, & where the Irish were then encamped and further saith not &c
Edward Sinnot
Sworne before vs the
28th of January 1653
T Dancer
Am Andrewes