Examination of Thomas Roach
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fol. 199r
The examinacion of Thomas Roach of Churchtowne neere Redmondshall yeoman aged about fifty yeares taken vpon oath on the behalfe of the Comonwealth Concerning Allexander Redmond of Redmondshall in the barrony of shelbyrne in the County of Wexford gent deceased
<To the 1st inter> The examinant deposeth and saith that the said Allex: did liue at Redmondshall in the County of Wexford in the first yeare of the rebellyon & alwayes till he died <n> & did not thence remooue into Duncannon forte or other partes of the english quarters as he might haue done, as well as his neighboures Nicholas Loftus Mr Myers & the Ladie Colclough & other protestants Adjacent to his the said Allexanders habitacion: His cause of knoweldge is for that the deponent dwelte neere the said Allexander
<To the 2d & 3d inter> Hee Cannot depose
<To the 4th inter> The deponent saith that on St Margarets daie in the month of July 1641: a partie of the english came by boate from Duncannon forte to Redmondshall aforesaid & wished the said Redmond to yeild the howse to them which the said Redmond denyed to doe & thereupon bid the deponent and seauerall of his neighbours then in the howse <o> with him as Namely Michaell Laffan Thomas Connicke william Britt & one Spurron, to defend themselues & to take Armes & d for defending the said howse against the english whereupon this deponent tooke a musquet then on the table & that Michaell Redmond sonne to the said Allexander gaue the deponent powther and bullets which this deponent tooke and went into a small tower neereth the gate & made seauerall shots from thence against the english & further saith that the Spurron had a musquet & powder & bullets giuen him by the said Michaell Redmond & that the said Spurron did make seauerall shots against the english the said
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Spurrons station being neere this deponent in the said small tower And further saith that he is Confident that the seauerall seruants of the said Redmond & his neighboures as Laffan, Connicke, Britt & the rest then present were tooke what Armes they could but finde but what Armes they had the deponent cannot remember And further saith that the english party from Duncannon forte were soone after in the selfe same day killed by a party of the Irish within a musquet shot to the said Redmonds howse onely one Lieutenant Esmond & about fourteen <p> of them taken prissoners: And further saith that the killing of the english being done the said Allexander Redmond Caused his gate to be set open (which was before shut against the english party) & receiued into his howse & Releiued with drinke some or all of the Irish officers & souldyers which killed the english The deponents cause of knowledge is in that the deponent was personally present at and an eye witnes to the said seauerall passages & actions contayned in this parte of his deposicion
<To the rest of> the Interrogatoryes he Cannot depose and further saith not &c
Thomas Roach his [mark] marke
Sworne before vs the
21st of January 1653
William Woodwarde
John Walker