Examination of Nicholas Stafford
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fol. 210r
The Examinacion of Nicholas Stafford of Codstowne gent aged about sixty nyne yeares taken vpon oath on the behalfe of the Comonwealth Concerning the said Hugh Rochford of Tagunnan in the County of Wexford esquire
<To the 1st Interr> The deponent saith that the said Hugh Rochford the first yeare of the Rebellyon & till the yeare 1649: dwelte at Taylerstowne in & Tagunnan in the County of wexford, all that time in the <t> Irish quarters, And did not remooue thence into the english quarters, As many english and protestants liuing neere the said Hugh then did remooue.
<To the 2d interr> he cannot depose
<To the 3d Interr> The deponent saith and is assured that the said Hugh as well the first yeare as sithence did actually contribute men money, Armes, victualls and such like to the suplying the Irish then raysing and raysed in opposing the english The cause of the deponents knowledge is that the said Hugh <u> was and did act as a member of the County Millitia in the first yeare of the Rebellyon, being then high sherriffe in the said County.
<To the 4th Inter> The deponent saith that the said Hugh the said first yeare of the warre did act, contriue and abet the said rebellyon against the english, and in persuance thereof did Lead & carry the County forces against the fforte of Duncannon to keep in the english then guarrissoned in the said fforte vnder the Comand of the Lord Esmond: And did Likewise <w> in the said first yeare with Collonell John Deuereux of Mountpill & others sumon and reduce the castle of Tinterne to the obedience of the Irish the same being then guarrissoned and kept by a party of the english Interest, for which exploit or seruice the said Hugh with others had a considerable sum of money from John Colclough the Countrey, As this deponent credibly heard from the said John and partely to his owne knowledge vnderstood the same.
<To the 5th Interr> The deponent saith that the said Hugh was generally at all the publicque meetings of the Irish in the said County <x> in order to the Aduancing and promoting the Irish cause against the english
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<To the 6th Interr> The deponent saith that the said Hugh was in the first yeare of the said rebellyon a member of the County Councell in the <y> precinckt of wexford and afterwardes chossen to be and acted as one of the Supreame Councell at Kilkenny to the deponents personall knowledge
<To the 7th Interr> The deponent saith and is assured that the said Hugh did take the <z> oath of associacion being an eminent man at that time and very zealous to the Aduancing the Irish cause
<To the 8th Interr> Hee cannot depose
<To the 9th Interr> Hee deposeth that the said Hugh had places of trust for the Irish vizt High Sherriffe of the County the said first yeare of the warres by Comission from the Lords Justices and Councell at Dublin & the seacond yeare Continued in that Imployment <a> being Impowered thereto by the Supreame Councell And Likewise acted as a member of the County Councell & was one of the Supreame councell at Kilkenny as aforesaid, And after th acted as one of the Judges of assizes in the prouince of Leinster in the Irish quarters The deponents cause of knowledge is that he hath seen the said Hugh act in the seauerall capacityes and at the times aforesaid
<To the 10th Inter> Hee saith that the said Hughs father by name James Rochford wh dwelt at Taylerstowne in the said County of <b> wexford & twoe brothers namely Mathew & John which father and brothers alwayes liued in the Irish quarters the whole time of the rebellyon: And the deponent credibly heard that the said John was Leiutenant Collonell of foote for the Irish against the english, And that the said Hugh and John during their said Actings had correspondency with & were releiued & cherished by their said father
<To the 11th Inter> Hee cannot depose
<To the 12th Interr> Hee deposeth that the said Hugh as the deponent <c> credibly heard by the generall relacion of the Countrey had a share and proporcion of Sir Arthur Loftus his cattle taken away from the forte of Duncannon
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The said first yeare of the rebellyon and Likewise had some parte of the goods of the english partie <d> surrendering vp the castle of Tinterne to the Irish as aforesaid
<To the 13th> Hee cannot depose
Nicholas Stafford
Sworne before vs the 5th of January 1653
R: Hussey
Edward Withey
fol. 211v
2d Hugh Rochford faire