Examination of George Syllie
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=815260r336] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:54 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 260r
9 Aprilis 1642The examinacion of George Syllie of Moynrath in the Quines Countie Carryer being duely sworne and examined uppon the holly Evangelist that about the Last of November ther hath beene taken by rebles from this examinner in goods and Chattles moveable and vnmmoveable to the vallue of three score pounds ster which goods and Chattles are heere expresed that is to say thirteene horses & one Coult price six payre of Cart whyles seaven faire English Cowes togeather with all the brasse pewter beading househould stuffe and his very Cloathes the haue not Left with this examinner, And this examinner further further deposeth that fflorence fitzPatricke his wife demaunde Mris Nicholeson to bring in her bible or otherwise shee would burne the same, vpon which grose termes Mris Nicholson tould her shee had rather loose her life before her bible should be burned
George [mark] Silly her marke
John Sterne
Randall Adams
fol. 260v
596 45 Q 79 o
9 Apr 1642
George Silly
Intr vlt no+