Deposition of Joane Winingtowne
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 01:23 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 270r
<Exr 77>
Joane Winingtowne of Upper Rushin in the Queens County widdow
That she was robbed and dispoyled of 18 head of Cattle, worth 23 li. houshould goods and hay worth 9 li. one horse 3 li. a cart 2 li. The loss of a lease worth in 3 years 9 li. aboute the begining of 10ber last by the hands or by the means of fflorence ffitzpatrick a great rebell and his Tennants of upper Rushin, especially Mr [Vicars] of the same. The said fflorence hanged this deponents husband, and his brothers, and shott a mayden in the house. This deponent was left a poore widdow with 7 children, 5 of them since this rebellion began dead by occasion of it. They wished that they had Sir Charles Coote in their hands and they would doe worse to thim They miscalled the state, as Rouges, Rascals etc
Jurat 9 April 1642
Roger Puttocke
John Sterne