Deposition of Francis Lucas
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:51 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 292r
<40> ffrancis Lucas of Mount Rath, Queens mo Comit; lost 3 horses which were ether taken or receiued by fflorence ffitz=paterick of Castle=towne in the Queenes Count: Esquire valowed at 10 li. 4 oxen better worth then 8 li.: 8 English Cowes , he could hau had for them 3 li. a cow: 16 younge cattel worth 20 li.: for househould good to the valew of 4 li. of corne & heay in Hagard to the valeu of 30 li. corne in ground in danger to be lost to the valew of 4 li. for 2 leases both in the lordship of Mount: rath for for 42 yeares to come the one he was bidden 30 li. for the other he gaue 34 beside the improuement; besides other necessaries ffor plowes & carts and gardens to the valew of 5 li.
ffrancis [mark] Lucas
Randall Adams