Examination of William Stafford
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fol. 240r
<14> The examination of William Stafford Gen{tleman} taken on behalfe of the Commonwealth concearninge Phillepe Hore of Kilsoughline of the Countrye of Dubline Gentleman desessed what had Certaine manors in this County of Waxford now Claimed by Phillepe Hore his sonn as heire
<to the first interro> sath that Phillepe hore senior did in the begininge of the Warr liue in Kllsoughline in the County of Dubline and the said deponan{t} <m> verylye beleiueth that the said Hore might haue saflye remoued himeselfe and famely into Dubline
<to the 2 interro> sath the said Phillepe d Hore senior did in the first yeare of the warr remoue himselfe and famelye from his habetation of Kilsougline nere the english Quarters <n> vnto Polehore of in the Countye of Waxford a place fare distant and then the Irish Quarters
<to the 3 interro> sath that the said Phillepe Hore senior did in the first yeare of the warr and before the <o> 10th of Nouember 1642 actually Contrebut{e} [ ] and subscribe to Contrebute raise men mony and other prouision for the Irish forces
<to the 4th and 5th interro> he Can not depose
<To the 6th interro> sath that the said Pillipe senior did Joyne <p> in electinge the Supreame and Prouinciall Councells as he was a member of the Generall asemble about the yeare 1644
<Phill: Hore Esquire deceased>
fol. 240v
<to the 7th interro> sath that the said Phillepe senior did take and <q> subscribe the oath of association as the dep<onant> beleiueth
<to the 8th interro> he Cannot depose
<to the 9th interro> sath that the said Phillepe Hore senior was of [ ] one of the County Councell within the first <r> yeare of the warr in the Countye of Waxford and that he was alsoe Chosen to serue in seauerall nationall asembles about the years 1644 and 164[6]
<to the 10th intero> sath that the said Phillepe had senior had a brother whose name was Jeames Hore <s> that had some office Miletarye in the first yeare of the warr in the Countye of Wickloe in which time the said Jeames had some Corrispondencye with the said Phillepe Hore senior as a Brothers as this deponant Conceau<eth>
<to the 11th 12 and 13th interro> he Can not depose
William Stafford
Sworne and examened
before this vs this 28th of December 1653
Tho Hart
John Walker
Mathew Stothard