Examination of Nicholas Stafford
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fol. 241r
The Examinacion of Nickolas Stafford Esquire taken on behalfe of the Comonwealth concerninge Phillepe Hore aforesaid
<to the 1st interro> sath that the said Phillep senior did liued in the first yeare of the warr at Kilsoughlain{e} in the County of Dubline and sath that <t> the said Phillepe senior might haue remoued hime selfe at the begininge of the warr into Dubline aforesaid or elsewhere into the English quarters
<to the 2 interro> this deponent sath that the said Phillepe senior did in the said first yeare of the warr re remoue himeselfe and famelye from the said Kilsoughlaine nere the English <u> quarters and the Citty of Dubline in vnto Poulehore in the County of Waxford a place fare remote from the English quarters and the more remote Irish quarters
<to the 3o interro> this deponent sath that the said Phillepe senior did contrebut actually contrebute and <w> consent to raise men mony and other prouissions for the maintainance of the Irish warr in the first yeare of the warr
<to the 4 and 5 interro> he can not depose
<to the 6th interro> This deponent sath that the said Phillepe senior did joyne in the electinge of suprea{me} <x> and prouinciall Councellers as he was a member of the generall asemble about the yeare 1644
<to the 7th interro> this deponent sath that the said Phillep senior <y> did take the oath of association it being generally imposed
fol. 241v
<to the 8th interro> he Can not depose
<to the 9th interro> this deponent sath that the said Phillepe senior was in the first yeare of the warr a Countye Counceller and in the County of Waxford and sath that he was Chosen <z> alsoe to serue in seauerall nationall asembles in or about 1644 and 46
<to the 10 interro> this deponent sath that the said Phillepe he senior had a brother whose name was Jeames Hore that had some office meletarye in the County of wickloe <a> in which tyme the said Jeames had some Corespodencye with the said Phillepe senior as a brother either th in the first or second yeare of the w warr as this deponent hath Credable heard
<to the 11 12 and 13th interro> he can not depose, but sath that the said Phillepe senior dyed about six or seuen yeares sence and that the the said Phillepe Junior his <b> sonn and Heire had a compan y of foote vnder his Comand shortlye after his fathers death had a Commission to as Captain to raise a foote Company for the Irish Com seruice as this deponent hath Credablelye heard
Nic: Stafford
Sworne and examend
before vs this 28th of december 1653
Tho Hart
John Walker
Mathew Stothard