Examination of Phillip Roch
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fol. 255r
The examinacion of Phillip Roch of Wexford aged about thirtie two yeares taken vpon oath on the behalfe of the Comonwealth Concerning Allexander Roch of Wexford in the County of Wexford Alderman deceased
<To the 1st Interr> The Examinant Deposeth and saith that he well knew the said Allexander Roch before the warres and knoweth that the said Allexander liued in Wexford the whole time of the rebellyon and did not thence remooue into the english quarters: As the english & protestants Liuing in Wexford did The deponents cause of knowledge <I> is that he the examinant being an Inhabitant before and after the beginning of the warre in the said towne of Wexford & knew the said Allexander & his residence to be in Wexford as aforesaid
<To the 2d interr> Hee cannot depose
<To the 3d interr> This examinant deposeth and saith that the examinant said Allexander did contribute his share of the publicque taxes and his endeauour in raysing men and maintaining the warre against the english As this deponent and <k> others the inhabitants of Wexford did during the time of the rebellyon: which being a generall thing the examinant conceiueth the said Allexander could not auoyd the payment thereof
<To the 4th Interr> The examinant deposeth and saith that he hath seen the said Allexander in Actuall Armes in the time of the <L> rebellion in the towne of Wexford with the Irish
<To the 5th Interr> Hee deposeth and saith that he hath knowne the said Allexander to haue beene frequently with the Aldermen & the meetings of the Inhabitants of <m> the towne of Wexford in order to the forwarding the warre & cessing and raysing money for carring on the rebellyon against the english, the said Allexander being himselfe an Alderman in the said {towne}
fol. 255v
<To the 6th Interr> Hee deposeth and saith that he beleiues the said Allexander being an Alderman & a man of quality in the said towne & frequently at the meetings of the towne inhabitants <n> Joyned with his the other Inha members of the said towne (in electing men for the generall assemblies) out of the wexford
<To the 7th Inter> The examinant deposeth and saith that there was an oath generally ministred to all sortes of people soe that hee <o> beleiues the said Allexander with others did take the said oath in the time of the rebellyon, the yeare he doth not remember
<To the 8th inter> Hee cannot depose
<To the 9th inter> Hee saith that he knowes noe Imployment either Ciuill or millitary that the said Allexander had, onely that he the said Allexander was an Alderman in the said towne <p> & soe was actiue in the Imposing and raysing the cesse for the Irish Armie for their maintenance
<To the 10: & 11:> Hee cannot depose
<To the 12: Inter> Hee deposeth and saith that he beleiues the said Allexande{r} did buy the goods of the english brought in vnto Wexford by pyrates And to the deponents personall knowledge at one time the said Allexander did Cant for and buy of the said pyrates or men of warre one barque load of <q> prize coales taken away from the english the examinant being present in wexford at the time the said coales was canted & bought by the said Allexander as aforesaid his cause of knowledge appeares
<To the 13 Inter> Hee cannot depose And further saith not
Phillip Roch
Sworne before vs the 10th of January 1653
Edw Tomlins
Am Andrewes