Examination of Nicholas Staples
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 259r
The examinacion of Nicholas Staples of Ballehally gent aged thirtie fiue yeares or thereabouts taken vpon oath Concerning the foresaid Patricke Roach of Ambrostowne gent
The deponent saith that the said Patricke was one of the Commissioners of the Armie for the Irish against the english in the yeare 1648: or thereabouts this deponents cause of knowledge is for that the deponent did see warrants vnder the hand of the said Patr & others for the raysing monyes for the vse & maintenance of the Irish Armye in or about that yeare: The deponent further <c> saith that the said Patr had a sonne by Name John Roch who was a Leiutenant of foote of the Irish partie in the time of the Rebellyon & had frequent Recourse to & was countenanced releiued & harboured by his said father during his actings in that Imployment The deponents cause of knowledge is for that the deponent hath seen the said John Roch with his father at wexford & at his fathers howse at Ambrostowne & heard the said John called Leiutenant by seauerall persons & further saith not &c
Nich: Stapells
Sworne before vs 7o ffebruary 1653
Tho Hart
Am Andrewes