Examination of William Stafford
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fol. 270r
The Examinacion of William Stafford Gentleman taken on behalfe of the Commonwealth concerninge Nickolas Deuerux of Ballemager in the Countye of Waxford Esquire
<to the 1st interro> this deponent sath that the said Nickolas di liued in the first yeare of the warr and since to this time at his howse aforesaid and it being in the Irish Quarters and sath that the said Nickolas might haue remoued himeselfe into the English quarters as some English did in the first of the warr but not without of hazard of losse of his Estate and further sath that he is Confident that the said Nickolas was in the first of the warr a protestant and married vnto a daughter of br Nickolas Loftus Esquire allsoe protestest <a> protestants and sath that the after the said Nickolas D uerux his was turned papist he refused to goe to dubline to lieu with his wiffe did liue with hir father at Dubline or elsewhere till the tyme of secassion and he or longer the said Deuerux liueinge at his said howse as beforesaid
<to the 2: 3: and 4th interrogatorye> he can not depose
<to the 5: 6 and 7th interrogatoryes> this deponent sath that hee Confidentlye beleiueth that the said Nickolas was at <b> the publicke asemble at Kilkenny 16 in the yeare 1646 and that ther took allsoe tooke the oath of associacion and Joyned in Electinge of Supreame and prouinciall asembles Councellers and other publicke officers in order to vphold the Irish Cause
fol. 270v
<to the 8th interro> he Can not depose
<to the 9th interro> this deponent sath that the said Nickolas <c> was a Captain of horse for some tyme in or about the yeare 1645
<to the rest of the interrogatoryes> he Can not depose
William Stafford
Sworne and examened before vs this 31th of december 1653
Tho Hart
Mathew Stothard